NIT Delhi PhD Admission 2023-24 Spring Semester: Application Form, Dates, Results

NIT Delhi PhD Admission
NIT Delhi PhD Admission

NIT Delhi PhD Admission 2023-24 Spring Semester – National Institute of Technology Delhi invites applications for Ph.D. (Full-Time/Part-Time/Sponsored) programme at NIT Delhi for 2023-24 Spring Semester.

Check full details on NIT Delhi PhD Admission 2023-24 Spring Semester below here.

Latest –

(Nov 2023) Nit Delhi PhD demission Notification released for Spring 2023-24.

(22 Sept 2023) NIT Delhi PhD Admission 2023-24 Under Visvesvaraya PhD Fellowship Scheme Last date extended

NIT Delhi PhD Programs

Available PhD Programs

Applications are invited for the PhD admission at the following Departments of NIT Delhi –

  • Civil Engineering (CE)
  • Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
  • Electrical Engineering (EE)
  • Electronics Communication & Engineering (ECE)
  • Mechanical Engineering (ME)
  • Applied Sciences (AS)
    • Physics (PH)
    • Mathematics (MA)
    • Chemistry (CY)
    • Environmental Science (EVS)

Types of PhD Program

  • Full-Time with Institute Assistantship
  • Part-Time
  • Full-Time with Own Fellowship
  • Full-Time self-financed
  • Full-Time or Part-Time Sponsored

It is to inform you that currently, PhD Full-Time seats are not available under the institute assistantship in the following departments:

  • 1. Department of Applied Sciences (Chemistry)
  • 2. Department of Applied Sciences (Environmental Sciences)
  • 3. Department of Civil Engineering

Department wise Tentative Broad Areas of Research

  • Civil Engineering (CE)
    • Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Hydraulics and Water Resource Engineering, Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Remote Sensing & GIS
  • Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
    • Wireless Sensor Networks, Network Theory, Data Analytics, Quantum Computing in Networks, Federated Learning, Machine Learning, Motion analysis, Computer Vision, Robotics, Cloud Computing, Data Security, 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Databases, Data Mining, Big Data Analytics, Health Informatics, Software Engineering, Natural Language processing, Disease Modeling, Network Reconstruction, Social Network analysis, Signal Processing, VLSI Design with AI/ML, AI/ML Algorithms in VLSI Design, Power Efficient system design, Predictive Analysis and Verification for VLSI, Intelligent Synthesis and physical design, CAD for VLSI circuits, Signal and Image Processing, Computer Vision, Robotics, Biomedical Image Processing, Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition, Embedded system Design and IOT
  • Electrical Engineering (EE)
    • Power & Energy Systems: Power System Dynamics & Control, Stand Alone power System, Power system operation & Optimization, Renewable energy systems (solar, wind and Hybrid), Probabilistic Power System, Uncertainty quantifications, Deregulation, Distributed Generation, Applications of Energy Storage Devices to Power System. Flexible AC Transmission System, Energy System Planning & Auditing, Loss Allocation, Power Systems Stability & Control. Electricity Market, Security Analysis, Fault Detection, Smart Energy Network, Reliability Engineering, Power Systems Analysis and Smart Grid, Failure Analysis, RAMS.
    • Power Electronics & Electrical Drives: Power Electronics, Power Quality, Improved Power Quality Convertors, Custom Power Devices (DSTATCOM, DVR & UPQC), Active Power Filters, Multi-level converters, Matrix converters, Electric Drives, Flexible AC Transmission System, Isolated Bidirectional DC-DC converters, AC – DC Micro grids, Smart Grids, Special Machines & Control, Modulation Techniques, Electric Vehicles, Control of Renewable Energy Systems, Variable frequency transformer.
    • Control & Automation: Control Theory, Model Order Reduction of Linear, Non-Linear and Parametric systems, Finite Element modeling of Distributed Parameter systems, efficient Algorithms for fast simulation of power electronics circuits & power systems, vector control of electric drives, Disease Modelling, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning. Cyber-Physical Systems, Learning Control, Networked Control Systems, Decentralized control, Constrained control systems, Mechatronics. Signal Processing, Biomedical Signal processing, Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Signal Processing Applications in Electrical Engineering.
  • Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)
    • Artificial Intelligence, Analog and Mixed Signal IC Design, RF and Microwave Circuits and Devices, Antenna Design Nanoscale semiconductor devices, Electronic Circuits & Devices, Photonics devices, Semiconductor Opto-electronic Devices Communication Systems & Networks, Optical & Wireless Communication Systems, Image Processing, Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Block-chain, Peer-to-Peer Networks, Neural Networks, Game theory, Computer Vision, Robotics, Pattern Recognition, Data Science and Analysis, 3G, 4G, 5G and 6G Technology, Telecommunication Networks, IoT, VLSI Design, VLSI Circuit Design, Embedded Systems, VLSI Architecture for Signal and Image Processing, DSP in VLSI Circuits, Low Power VLSI Design, High-Frequency Circuit Design, RF Energy Harvesting, Biosensors, MEMS.
  • Mechanical Engineering (ME)
    • Additive Manufacturing, Advanced Machining Processes, Nano-Finishing, Ultra Precision Finishing, Machining Sciences, Measurement and Metrology, Metal Matrix Composites, Materials, Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer, Refrigeration, Two Phase Flow, Fluid Flow, CFD, Solar Energy, Biofuels, Thermal Energy Storage (TES), Renewable Energy, Thermal Aspects of Additive Manufacturing, Thermal Engineering, Numerical Modeling and Simulation, Strength of Materials, Rupture of Ductile Materials. VLSI Circuit Design, Analog IC design, MEMS and sensors.
  • Applied Sciences (AS) Discipline: Physics (PH)
    • Nanophotonic Sensors and Devices, Plasmonic in thin films and nanostructures, Fiber Optics, Optical Device Modeling, Optical imaging & instrumentation, Biomedical optics, Digital Holography, Microwave imaging and instrumentation, EM Theory in different media, Antennas and wave propagation, MHD waves & Flow, Holographic Display, Devices and circuits, Applied electronics, Sensors, Embedded systems, MEMST.
  • Applied Sciences (AS) Discipline: Mathematics (MA)
    • Convection in Fluids, Heat Transfer, Nanofluids, Ferrofluids, Micropolar Fluids, Non-Newtonian Fluids, Porous Media, Computational Applied Mathematics, Statistical Machine Learning, Complex Systems, Game Theory, Data Science, Computational Optimization.
  • Applied Sciences (AS) Discipline: Chemistry (CY)
    • Design and synthesis of new porous materials with metal skeleton and their application in catalysis, chemical technology, host-guest chemistry (molecular adsorption and molecular recognition), electrical, optical, and magnetic properties. Coordination chemistry, Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs), Inorganic and Organic Chemistry
  • Applied Sciences (AS) (M.Sc. candidates only) Discipline: Environmental Sciences (EVS)
    • Environmental Science and Engineering, Environmental Biotechnology, Wastewater Treatment, Waste to Energy Conversion.

Eligibility Criteria for NIT Delhi PhD Admission 2023-24 Spring Semester

An applicant possessing the prescribed qualifications shall be eligible for admission to a Ph.D. program of the institute. Degrees obtained through distance education programs shall not be considered. The Course as well as University/Institute/Organization of qualifying degree must be recognized by AICTE/ UGC or equivalent and will be verified by Institute before registration.

PhD Full-Time (under Institute Fellowship)

Candidates with GATE/NET (JRF/LS)/ UGC (JRF/LS) /GPAT/ Inspire Fellow / Sponsored by any equivalent outside agency to get their scholarship as a full-time candidate need not to qualify Institute written examination. For all other candidate(s), Institute written examination is to be cleared if they are applying for getting institute assistantship. However, GATE/NET (JRF/LS)/ UGC (JRF/LS) /GPAT/ Inspire Fellow/ Sponsorship from outside agencies or Institute’s written Examinations are only for short listing of the applicants. The mere shortlisting of an applicant does not confirm admission to a PhD programme. The admission shall be based upon the performance of individuals in the written test followed by “interview / presentation” and availability of the Supervisor in the proposed area of research.

For all the Departments, qualifying GATE is mandatory for getting institute assistantship for the candidates with master’s degree in engineering. (for such candidates institute written test is not required)

PhD in Engineering Discipline

  • The application must have Master’s degree in engineering / technology in the relevant area of research with a first class or minimum 60% marks (or CGPA of 6.5 on 10-point scale) in the qualifying examination. The applicant must have GATE qualifications/clear the institute written examination (for Institute Fellowship only) OR
  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering/ technology/BS (4 years)/M.Sc. (in relevant discipline)/ MCA with a CGPA of 8.5 and above on a 10-point scale or 80% aggregate from a Centrally Funded Technical Institute (CFTI)/ State funded institutes/ university. All such candidates must have a valid GATE score. The number of credit courses to be cleared will be minimum 24 credits before comprehensive examination.

PhD in Sciences

  • Master’s Degree in appropriate branch of Science with a first class or minimum 60% Marks (or CGPA of 6.5 on 10 point scale) in the qualifying examination.
  • Candidates with master’s degree in science must have qualified in GATE/NET for scholarship. However, the candidates with master’s degree in science without GATE/NET can join in PhD Full-Time (Self-Financed)/ (Part-Time) program.

Part-time Applicants

Part-time applicants will be eligible under following categories:

  • Candidates from organizations which have MOU with NIT Delhi.
  • Organizations with R & D labs of National Repute.
  • Regular faculty/ Teaching cum Research Fellow or Scientists from Educational Institutions, Research and Development organizations, and Government Department/ Government Undertaking provided that the applicant possesses the minimum entry qualifications for the degree mentioned in eligibility in notification with the following additional eligibility criteria: Bachelor’s degree in engineering/ technology with a minimum of 70% marks in aggregate or equivalent CGPA and a minimum of 10 years of work experience (at the level of Assistant Professor or equivalent) in an engineering degree level technical Institute or R&D organization/ industry, and Evidence of master’s level R&D work completed. The applicant is in position to complete mandatory course requirements along with regular counterparts; the applicant proves to the satisfaction of NIT Delhi that his/her official duties permit him/her to devote sufficient time to research (No Objection Certificate required). Further, the candidate should possess the minimum experience of one year in the abovementioned organization.
  • Project staff(s)/ student(s) under projects sponsored by DST/UGC/any government agency, industry or centers established from grant in aid from government or international agencies at NIT Delhi may be given administrative clearance to seek admission on full time/ part time basis subject to recommendations of the concerned Principal Investigator of the said Project and approval of Competent Authority. However, he must fulfill the eligibility criteria as per notification. No relaxation will be given in screening for the applications.
  • The working candidates under this category must be working within 120 kms. The candidates must complete the residential requirements up to the completion of course work at NIT Delhi. The Part-Time student category cannot be converted into Full-Time category.
  • aculty/ Technical/ Scientific staff of NIT Delhi, External candidates sponsored by Industry/ Institute having R&D facility recognized by NIT Delhi and possessing the same academic qualifications as that for PhD regular candidates, are eligible to apply for PhD Programme as a Part-Time candidate. The Part-Time candidate(s) shall be required to submit a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their Employers stating that the concerned candidate(s) is an employee of that organization and is allowed to pursue his/her research work at NIT Delhi with the residential requirements as per the NIT Delhi norms, and his/her routine work permit him/her to devote sufficient time for research work.
  • For a foreign national candidate who applies through the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, or Indian Council of Cultural Relations, Govt. of India, are eligible to apply if they possess the same minimum qualifications as required for PhD programme admission in case of Regular candidates.

PhD programmes (Full-Time with Own Fellowship)

Like GATE/NET (JRF/LS)/ UGC (JRF/LS) /GPAT/ Inspire Fellow / received fellowship by some outside agency etc. with all the eligibility criteria will be the same as those for a PhD (Full-Time) as mentioned above.

PhD programme (Full-Time with Self-Finance)

Candidates applied for Full-Time with self-finance category. If selected, will not be provided any fellowship/contingency grant by the Institute. The eligibility criteria for this programme will be the same as those for a PhD (Full-Time). (However, qualifying or appearing the institute written examination is not mandatory for such candidates.

PhD programme (Full-Time/Part-Time with Sponsorship)

These candidates are sponsored by recognized Government/Semi-Government R&D organizations for doing research work in the Institute. Candidates are expected to be released for full-time research but did not receive any financial support from the Institute. Sponsorship letters should be brought at the time of written test and/or interview. An organization having signed research collaboration (MoU) with NIT Delhi may also sponsor a candidate, in such cases minimum residential requirements may be met at NIT Delhi or collaborative institute.

NIT Delhi PhD Admission 2023-24 Spring Semester Important Dates

Last date for submission of ApplicationsDecember 14, 2023
Display of list of eligible candidatesDecember 19, 2023
Written TestDecember 26, 2023
Display of list of candidates eligible for presentation & interviewDecember 26, 2023
Presentation/interviewDecember 26-28, 2023
Display of list of selected candidatesDecember 29, 2023
Deposition of fee (Online)December 29-31, 2023
Physical Reporting in the InstituteJanuary 1, 2024

NIT Delhi PhD Admission 2023-24 Spring Semester Application Process

  • Students have to fill up the online Google Form within stipulated time mentioned. Late submissions will not be entertained, under any circumstances.
  • If candidate is applying, e.g., Full time with Institute Fellowship, Full Time self-sponsored, Part time etc. then he/she has to apply separately, conversion from one category to another at the time of admission process will not be allowed if candidate has not applied in those separate categories.
  • Link for the Online Form:
  • Read notification carefully before filling application form.

Application Fee

UR/ OBC/ EWS CandidatesRs.1000/-
SC/ ST/ PwD CandidatesRs 500/-
Women Candidates (Indian only)Exempted 
Foreign NationalsUSD 50

NIT Delhi PhD Admission 2023-24 Spring Semester Selection Procedure

  • Candidates with GATE/NET (JRF/LS)/ UGC (JRF/LS) /GPAT/ Inspire Fellow / received fellowship by some outside agency as a full-time candidate need not clear Institute written examination.
  • For all other candidates, the Institute written examination needs to be cleared for getting institute assistantship.
  • However, GATE/NET (JRF/LS)/ UGC (JRF/LS) /GPAT/ Inspire Fellow/ Sponsorship from outside agency or Institute Examinations are only for short-listing of the applicants.
  • Mere short-listing of an applicant does not confirm admission to PhD programme. The admission shall be solely based upon the performance of individuals during “presentation and interview” and availability of the Supervisor in the proposed area of research.
  • The admission to PhD programme (Full-Time/Part-Time) in all disciplines mentioned in this advertisement shall be made purely on the basis of a “presentation” to be made by the shortlisted applicants in their proposed area of research followed by “interview” to be conducted by the respective Department Admission Committee.
  • Short-listing of candidates (other than GATE/NET (JRF/LS)/ UGC (JRF/LS)/GPAT/ Inspire Fellow / received fellowship by some outside agency as a full-time candidate) shall be done by Departmental Admission Committee for the process of “presentation and interview” for the applicants. Only those applicants who score marks above the cutoff of 40%, i.e., 24 marks out of 60 for UR/OBC/EWS category candidates, and 35% i.e., 21 marks out of 60 for SC/ST/PWD candidates in the screening test shall be eligible for presentation and interview process. Marks obtained in the screening test shall not be counted for preparation of final merit list of the successful candidates.
  • The Pattern of Examination shall be as of GATE and NET examination. The Written Test will be of MCQ Mode with no-negative marking.
  • The Department Admission Committee for each Department shall recommend suitable candidates for admission based on its assessment of presentation and interview. Marks obtained in the screening test shall not be counted for preparation of final merit list of the successful candidates.
  • The Department Admission Committee/Institute reserves the right not to recommend any candidate for admission to PhD in the respective Department if the performance of the shortlisted candidates is not found satisfactory during “presentation and interview”. The decision of the Competent Authority shall be final.
  • All the applied/ selected candidates will be governed by the rules and regulations of the PhD Ordinance available at the Institute website. Candidates are advised to read the ordinance clearly before proceeding with the application.

Teaching Assistantship-cum-Scholarships/ Fellowships

  • The candidates who have qualified GATE/ NET of respective discipline/ Institute Entrance Exam for admission to PhD are eligible for Teaching Assistantship-cum-Scholarships/ Fellowships subjected to the availability.
  • Ph. D. (Full-Time) students will be awarded scholarship cum teaching assistantship as per the guidelines of Ministry of Education Govt. of India. The scholarship cum teaching assistantship are limited subject to availability of scholarship cum teaching assistantship, otherwise candidate may be consider for Full-Time without scholarship cum teaching assistantship.
  • The selected candidates without scholarship cum teaching assistantship are required to submit undertaking on judicial stamp paper that they will not claim scholarship cum teaching assistantship from the Institute in future. However, they can submit research proposal to different funding agencies or they can apply to different outside funding agencies for scholarship.

NIT Delhi PhD Admission 2023-24 Spring Semester Results

List of eligible/non-eligible list of the PhD Programme (Advt. No.: NITD/R&C/03/PhD/2023-24: Advertisement for Admission to PhD Programme, Spring Semester, Academic Year: 2023-2024) – Click here

Important Links

Notification & Application FormClick Here
Application Submission Link (Google Form)Click Here
NIT Delhi WebsiteClick Here

Previous Admissions

NIT Delhi PhD Admission 2023-24 Autumn Semester

NIT Delhi PhD Admission 2023-24 Autumn Semester Important Dates

Last date for submission of Applications (Strictly through Online Mode)23rd May, 2023
Display of list of eligible candidates by the concerned HOD in the Institute website27rd May, 2023
Written Test (if required, in the respective Department. Reporting time 10.00 AM)1st June, 2023
Display of list of candidates eligible for presentation & interview1st June, 2023
Presentation/interview by all eligible candidates1st & 2nd June, 2023
Display of list of selected candidates5th June, 2023
Deposition of fee (Online)6th June, 2023
Physical Reporting in the InstituteAs per academic calendar of NIT Delhi
Commencement of classesAs per academic calendar of NIT Delhi

NIT Delhi PhD Admission 2022-23 Spring Semester

Important Dates

Cut-off date for the candidates applying for the Institute Fellowship31 January 2023
Schedule for Written Test/Interview23 March 2023
For candidates with their own fellowship (CSIR/ UGC – JRF/ SRF/ INSPIRE/ Project fellows etc.) and Part Time/Self Financed may apply until31 March 2023

NIT Delhi PhD Admission 2022-23 Spring Semester Results

Selected Candidates

List of PhD Candidates for Written Test/Interview

NIT Delhi PhD Admission 2022-23 Autumn Semester

Important Dates

Cut-off date for the candidates applying for the Institute Fellowship10 July 2022
For candidates with their own fellowship (CSIR/ UGC – JRF/ SRF/ INSPIRE/ Project fellows etc.)may apply throughout the year on Rolling Basis

NIT Delhi PhD Admission 2021-22

Important Dates

Last date to submit filled application form through Google Form10 December 2021 up to 5:00 PM