Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology – TIET Patiala PhD Admissions 2023: Dates, Application

TIET Patiala PhD Admissions

TIET Patiala PhD Admissions 2023 – Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology Patiala (Deemed to be University) also known as Thapar University invites applications for PhD admissions for the academic year 2023-24.

Check more details on Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology (TIET) Patiala PhD Admissions 2023 below here.

Available PhD Programs

List of Departments/Schools where PhD seats are available-

  • Computer Science & Engineering
  • Biotechnology
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical & Instrumentation Engineering
  • Electronics & Communication Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • School of Physics & Material Science
  • School of Mathematics
  • School of Chemistry & Biochemistry
  • School of Humanities & Social Science
  • School of Energy & Environment

Eligibility Criteria for TIET Patiala PhD Admissions 2023

  • A candidate seeking admission to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy must have obtained M.E./M.Tech./MCA/M.Sc./ M.Com/M.Pharma/ M.A./M.B.A./C.A. or equivalent with minimum CGPA of 6.00 on a 10-point scale or 60% (55% in case of SC/ST/Differently-Abled candidates) marks in aggregate where marks are awarded OR have qualified the GATE / CSIR-UGC NET or any other national exam conducted by the central government departments or their agencies and institutions.
  • Candidates with B.E./B.Tech./B.Pharma degree or equivalent with excellent academic record (minimum CGPA of 8.00 on 10-point scale or 80% marks in aggregate) may be considered for admission.
  • Relaxation in CGPA to 7.00 on a 10-point scale or in marks to 65% for the minimum eligibility conditions may be permitted for candidates with a B.E./B.Tech. degree or equivalent who have a minimum of 3 years of professional and/or research experience in the area in which the admission is sought. However, candidates admitted with B.E./B.Tech. or equivalent qualification will be admitted for Ph.D. after successful completion of eight Masters level courses as suggested by the Ph.D. Admission Committee of concerned Department/School, within a period of two years from the date of admission. A minimum CGPA of 6.00 on a 10-point scale should be earned in the courses prescribed by the concerned Department/School.
  • Part-time studies leading to PhD degree are permitted for TIET employees and employees of other organizations with the prior approval and no-objection certificate from their parent organization. Part-time studies leading to PhD shall also be permitted to persons working in Institutions with which a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed for research purposes. Such a candidate must be in employment at the time of admission and be engaged in professional work in the area to which admission is sought.

TIET Patiala PhD Admissions 2023 Important Dates

Last Date for Application14 July 2023
Entrance test to be conducted by TIET20-21 July 2023
Display of Result of Entrance Test25 July 2023

TIET Patiala PhD Entrance 2023 Schedule

Departments/SchoolsDate of Entrance TestTime of Entrance Test
BiotechnologyJuly 20, 202309:00 AM
Chemical EngineeringJuly 20, 202311:00 AM
Computer Science and EngineeringJuly 20, 202309:00 AM
Civil EngineeringJuly 20, 202301:00 PM
Electrical & Instrumentation EngineeringJuly 20, 202301:00 PM
Electronics & Communication EngineeringJuly 21, 202303:00 PM
Mechanical EngineeringJuly 21, 202309:00 AM
Schools School of Physics & Materials ScienceJuly 21, 202311:00 AM
School of Humanities & Social SciencesJuly 21, 202309:00 AM
School of MathematicsJuly 21, 202301:00 PM
School of Energy and EnvironmentJuly 21, 202301:00 PM
School of Chemistry & BiochemistryJuly 21, 202303:00 PM

Entrance Test for Ph.D. programme shall be conducted ONLINE by respective departments/schools.

Date of interview for Ph.D. will be declared later on by the respective department/school.

TIET Patiala PhD Admissions 2023 Application Process

  • Candidates have to visit for application process.
  • Read instructions carefully before filling application form.
  • For all Ph.D. programs offered by a particular department/school, single application form is required to be filled. However, if candidate want to apply for Ph.D. program of other department/school also, then he/she is required to select an additional department/school along with requisite application fee.

Application Fee

  • Application Fee – Rs.1500/-

Selection Procedure

  • Candidates shall be admitted on the basis of merit of Entrance Test and Interview to be conducted by the University.
  • The candidates who secure minimum of 50% (45% for SC/ST) marks in the Entrance Test shall only be called for Interview.
  • During interview, a candidate is required to indicate area of research.
  • Relaxation for appearing in the entrance test will be given by the institute to those candidates who have qualified GATE / CSIR-UGC NET or any other national exam conducted by the central government departments or their agencies and institutions.

TIET Patiala PhD Entrance Details

  • Entrance Test for Ph.D. programme shall be conducted ONLINE by respective departments/schools.
  • The Admit Cards for entrance test shall be sent to registered email IDs (as mentioned in application form)
  • The Entrance Test shall contain 80 objective type questions.
  • Duration of the Entrance Test will be 90 minutes.
  • The total marks of the test will be 80.
  • The test will be taken in the concerned subject area.
  • Cut off marks in the entrance test will be 50% (45% for SC/ST) of the total marks.
  • There will be no negative marking in the test.


TIET Patiala PhD Entrance Syllabus

Teaching Associateship


  • Only those candidates will be considered for Teaching Associateship who are GATE/GPAT/NET (UGC/CSIR) qualified. A candidate should have minimum CGPA of 6.0 (10-point Scale) or 60% marks in the qualifying exam.
  • However, depending upon the teaching load requirement of a department/school, if GATE/GPAT/NET (UGC/CSIR) qualified candidates are not available, PhD candidates who are not GATE/GPAT/NET (UGC/CSIR) qualified may also be considered. Such candidates should have minimum CGPA of 7.0 (10-point Scale) or 70% marks in the qualifying exam to be eligible for Teaching Associateship.

Number of Associateship

  • Teaching Associateship are allocated to each Department/School depending upon their teaching load requirement.

Duration of Associateship

  • Teaching Associateships shall be awarded for a maximum period of 3-years, subject to review of performance at the end of every year. In case of GATE/NET qualified candidates, the associateship is extendable to 4th year based on the performance of the research student and the requirement at Department/School level as well as performance of the research student. However, if a student submits his/her thesis in less than three years, then Teaching Associateship will be given to him/her till the end of ongoing semester during which he/she submitted the thesis.

Emoluments of Associateship

  • Emoluments for Teaching Associateship will be ₹35,000/- for GATE/NET (UGC/CSIR) qualified candidates. Emoluments for the candidates with qualified score in GATE / CSIR-UGC NET or any other national exam conducted by the central government departments or their agencies and institutions will be paid from the date of admission.
  • Emoluments for Teaching Associateship will be ₹20,000/- for candidates who do not have a qualified score in GATE/CSIR-UGC NET (or any other national exam conducted by the central government departments or their agencies and institutions), and will be paid from the date of the admission based on the merit as well as requirements of the respective departments/schools.


A research student who has been selected for the award of teaching associateship:

  • a) will be given 10-12 hours of teaching load per week.
  • b) shall not be eligible for any other fellowship from the Institute or from any other source.
  • c) shall be liable to pay tuition fee and other dues as prescribed by the Institute from time to time.

Important Links

NotificationClick Here
Application FormClick Here
TIET Patiala WebsiteClick Here
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Previous Admissions

TIET Patiala PhD Admissions 2022

Important Dates

Last Date for Application30 June 2022
Entrance test to be conducted by TIET06-07 July 2022
Display of Result of Entrance Test11 July 2022

TIET Patiala PhD Entrance 2022 Schedule

Departments/SchoolsDate of Entrance TestTime of Entrance Test
BiotechnologyJuly 06, 202209:00 AM
Chemical EngineeringJuly 06, 202211:00 AM
Computer Science and EngineeringJuly 06, 202209:00 AM
Civil EngineeringJuly 06, 202201:00 PM
Electrical & Instrumentation EngineeringJuly 06, 202201:00 PM
Electronics & Communication EngineeringJuly 07, 202203:00 PM
Mechanical EngineeringJuly 07, 202209:00 AM
Schools School of Physics & Materials ScienceJuly 07, 202211:00 AM
School of Humanities & Social SciencesJuly 07, 202209:00 AM
School of MathematicsJuly 07, 202201:00 PM
School of Energy and EnvironmentJuly 07, 202201:00 PM
School of Chemistry & BiochemistryJuly 07, 202203:00 PM

TIET Patiala PhD Admissions 2021

Important Dates

Last Date for Application30 June 2021
Entrance test to be conducted by TIETDeclared later