Rajasthan SET 2023: Answer Key (Out), Syllabus, Exam Pattern and Previous Papers

Rajasthan SET
Rajasthan SET

Rajasthan SET 2023: The Rajasthan SET Exam Notification 2023 has been released by the Govind Guru Tribal University, Banswara on 9th January 2023. Rajasthan SET 2023 Exam will be conducted in 29 subjects on 26 March 2023.

Check complete details on Rajasthan SET Exam 2023 here.

Latest – Rajasthan SET 2023 Answer Key Released

About Rajasthan SET

Rajasthan SET or RSET is Rajasthan State Eligibility Test to for determining the eligibility for the post of assistant professor or lectureship in various Colleges and Universities of Rajasthan.

Rajasthan SET 2023 Overview

The Rajasthan SET 2023 will be conducted by the Guru Govind Tribal University, Banswara.

Rajasthan SET 2023 Full FormRajasthan State Eligibility Test 2023
Organising BodyGovind Guru Tribal University, Banswara
Total Subjects29
Rajasthan SET Certificate ValidityRajasthan SET Certificate is valid for lifetime
Rajasthan SET Official websitewww.ggtu.ac.in

Rajasthan SET Notification 2023

The Rajasthan SET Notification 2023 released by the Govind Guru Tribal University, Banswara on 9th January 2023. RSET 2023 will be conducted in 29 subjects.

Rajasthan SET Notification 2023

Rajasthan SET Subjects 2023

Rajasthan SET 2023 will be conducted in following subjects –

Name of Subject
Chemical Science
Computer Science, Application
Earth Science
Environmental Science
Home Science
Library & Information Science
Life Science
Mathematical Science
Physical Education
Physical Science
Political Science
Population Studies*
Public Administration
Visual Arts

*The Candidates with Master’s Degree in Geography (With specialization in population Studies) are also eligible to appear in the subject “Population Studies” (Code No.-103022)

Rajasthan SET Exam 2023 Important Dates

Rajasthan SET Notification Release9th January 2023
Rajasthan SET Application Start12th January 2023
Rajasthan SET Application Ends11th February 2023
Rajasthan SET 2023 Admit Card21th March 2023
Rajasthan SET 2023 Exam Date26th March 2023
Rajasthan SET 2023 Answer Key29th March 2023
Rajasthan SET Notification 2023 ResultDeclared

Rajasthan SET Eligibility Criteria 2023

  • General/Unreserved/General-EWS candidates who have secured at least 55% marks (without rounding off) in Master’s Degree or equivalent examination from universities/institutions recognized by UGC are eligible for this Test. The Other Backward Classes (OBC) belonging to Non-Creamy Layer/ Scheduled Caste (SC)/ Scheduled Tribe (ST)/ Persons with Disability (PwD)/ Third gender category candidates who have secured at least 50% marks (without rounding off) in Master’s degree or equivalent examination are eligible for this Test.
  • Candidates who are pursuing their Master’s degree or equivalent course or candidates who have appeared for their qualifying Master’s degree (final year) examination and whose result is still awaited or candidates whose qualifying examinations have been delayed may also apply for this test. However, such candidates will be admitted provisionally and shall be considered eligible for award of eligibility only after they have passed their Master’s Degree or equivalent examination with at least 55% marks (50% marks in case of OBC-NCL/ SC / ST / PwD / Third gender category candidates). Such candidates must complete their Master’s degree or equivalent examination within two years from the date of SET result with required percentage of marks, failing which they shall be treated as disqualified.
  • Candidates belonging to the Third gender category are eligible to draw the same relaxation in fee and Eligibility Criteria for SET as are available to SC/ST/PwD categories. The subject-wise qualifying cut-offs for this category would be the lowest among those for SC / ST / PwD / OBC– NCL / General-EWS categories in the corresponding subject.
  • Candidates are required to appear in subject of their post-graduation only. In case the subject of a candidate is not included in the list of SET subjects, the candidate may appear in UGC NET/UGC-CSIR NET, which is held twice a year.

Rajasthan SET Age Limit 2023

There is no upper age limit for the candidates to apply for the Rajasthan SET exam 2023.

Rajasthan SET Validity

The Rajasthan SET certificate is valid for Rajasthan State only and forever. Recruitment to the post of lecturer/ Assistant Professor may be made from among the SET qualified candidates by universities/ colleges/ Recruitment Agencies as per their prescribed procedures and Rules & Regulations.

Rajasthan SET 2023 Application Process

  • To apply online form, the candidates have to click on the online link available on the Govind Guru Tribal University, Banswara website www.ggtu.ac.in at SET-2023, or go to SSO portal of https://sso.rajasthan.gov.in/signin to login.
  • Candidates have to fill in the registration form with personal details to access the Rajasthan SET Online Application Form 2023.
  • After registration, log in again with the login credentials generated.
  • Then candidates need to fill in their personal details, Educational Qualifications and subject details appropriately as required.
  • Pay the Rajasthan SET Application Fees through an online payment mode.
  • Once they have reviewed the Rajasthan SET Application Form 2023 properly they must click on the submit button to submit the application form.
  • Download and save the application form for future reference.

Rajasthan SET 2023 Application Fees

Category Rajasthan SET 2023 Application Fees
For General/ SBC/ OBC (Creamy layer) of Rajasthan state and /Out of StateRs. 1500/-
For EWS/ SBC/ OBC (Non-Creamy layer) of Rajasthan state CandidatesRs. 1200/-
For SC/ ST of Rajasthan state and All the PH CandidatesRs. 750/-

Rajasthan SET 2023 Admit Card

Rajasthan SET 2023 Admit Card Released.

Download – Rajasthan SET 2023 Admit Card

Rajasthan SET 2023 Exam Pattern

  • The Test will consist of two papers. Both the papers will consist of multiple choice questions (MCQ).
  • There will be 150 questions worth 300 Marks in 3 hours.
  • For each correct answer, they will be awarded 2 marks and there is no negative marking for any wrong answer.
  • To answer a question, the candidate needs to choose one option as correct option. If a question is found to be incorrect/ambiguous or has multiple correct answers, only those candidates who have attempted the question and chosen one of the correct answers would be given the Credit.
  • If a question is found to be incorrect and the Question is dropped, then two marks (+2) will be awarded to all those who have appeared in the Exam. The reason could be due to human error or technical error.
  • All the questions are compulsory.

Rajasthan SET 2023 Exam Scheme

Number of Questions150 Questions
Total Marks300 Marks
Marking Scheme2 Marks Awarded for each correct answer, No marks will be given for questions un-answered/un-attempted
Negative MarkingNo Negative Marking
Medium of Question PaperEnglish and Hindi
Duration of Examination3 Hours Without any break

Rajasthan SET Marks Distribution 2023

Check out the number of papers, the total number of questions, the marks allotted, the type of question and the duration of the exam in detail.

PaperMarksNumber of QuestionsMCQ
Paper-I (Teaching/ Research Aptitude)10050The Questions in the paper I intend to assess the teaching/research aptitude of the candidate. It will primarily be designed to test the reasoning ability, reading comprehension, divergent thinking and general awareness of the candidate.
Paper-II (Domain Subject)200100This is based on the subject selected by the candidate and will assess domain knowledge.

Rajasthan SET Syllabus 2023

Paper-I General Paper on Teaching and Research Aptitude Syllabus

Unit-I Teaching Aptitude
Unit-II Research Aptitude
Unit-III Comprehension
Unit-IV Communication
Unit-V Mathematical Reasoning and Aptitude
Unit-VI Logical Reasoning
Unit-VII Data Interpretation
Unit-VIII Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Unit-XI People, Development and Environment
Unit-X Higher Education System

Paper-II Subject Specific

This is based on the subject selected by the candidate and will assess domain knowledge.

Download – Rajasthan SET Syllabus 2023

Rajasthan SET Exam Preparation Tips

  • Check Syllabus & Exam Pattern: First of all get familiar with syllabus and exam pattern of Rajasthan SET Exam.
  • Create a Study Plan: Then make a study plan according to the syllabus and available time for exam.
  • Study Materials: Prepare using relevant books, sample test papers and previous years papers.
  • Mock Test: Give some mock tests to find out your weak areas and for better time management practice.
  • Revision: Revising the topics before the exams is also a must.

Rajasthan SET Previous Year Papers

Candidate must practice questions through Rajasthan SET Previous Year Papers. It will help the candidates to be familiar with the types of questions that can be asked in the exam. Also there are many other benefits –

  • Strong & Weak Areas: By practicing questions through the Rajasthan SET Previous Year Papers, candidates will be able to identify their strong and weak areas. Then accordingly plan your studies.
  • Improve Understanding: It will improve understanding for the level of questions. The estimated difficulty level of the questions help them to follow a smart preparation strategy.
  • Time Management: Practicing questions from previous papers help students to mange their time in exam.

Download – Rajasthan SET Previous Year Papers

Rajasthan SET FAQ

What is the Rajasthan SET Exam Date?

The Rajasthan SET Exam 2023 will be conducted on 26th March 2023.

When will the Rajasthan SET Exam Notification be released?

Rajasthan SET Exam Notification 2023 has been released on 9th January 2023.

Will there be negative marking in the Rajasthan SET exam?

No there is no negative marking in the Rajasthan SET Exam 2023.

What is the Duration of the Rajasthan SET Exam 2023?

The Duration of the Rajasthan SET Exam 2023 will be 3 hours (180 minutes) without any breaks.

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