Rabindra Bharati University PhD Admission 2021 – Rabindra Bharati University Kolkata invites online applications for PhD admission in the subjects under the Faculty of Arts, Fine Arts and Visual Arts in the session 2020-2021. Check full details here.
Available PhD Programs
Faculty of Arts
Department | Seats |
Bengali | upto 10 (UR-05, SC-02, ST-01,OBC-A-01, OBC-B-01) |
English | upto 06 (UR-04, SC-02) |
Sanskrit | upto 12(UR-06, SC-03, ST-01, OBC-A-01, OBC-B-01) |
Philosophy | upto 07 (UR-04, SC-01, OBC-A-01, OBC-B-01) |
History | upto 11 (UR-06, SC-02, ST-01, OBC-A-01, OBC-B-01) |
Economics | upto 06 (UR-03, SC-02, OBC-B-01) |
Education | upto 04 (UR-03, SC-01) |
Library and Information Science | upto 03 (UR-02, OBC-B-01) |
Mass Communication & Videography | upto 02 (UR-01, SC-01) |
Faculty of Fine Arts
Department | Seats |
Musicology | upto 02 (UR-01, OBC-A-01) |
Vocal Music | upto 02 (UR-01, SC-01) |
Drama | upto 03 (UR-02, SC-01) |
Instrumental Music | upto 03 (UR-02, OBC-A-01) |
Rabindra Bharati University PhD Admission 2021 Important Dates
Availability of online Admission form on the University website | 29 Oct 2021 |
Last date for Application | 07 Nov 2021 |
Downloading of Admit Cards | To be declared |
Date of Admission Test (CET) | To be declared |
Publication of CET Result | To be declared |
Date of Viva Voce | To be declared |
Publication of 1st Provisional Merit List on the website | To be declared |
Eligibility Criteria for Rabindra Bharati University PhD Admission 2021
- Candidates having Master’s degree (passed on or before 2020) with 55% marks {(50 % for SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B/PWD (PH)} or its equivalent grade from any UGC recognized University in India or an equivalent degree of a recognized foreign University are eligible to apply for admission to the Ph.D Programme of study in his /her disciplinary subject of study or in a subject of allied discipline or in an inter disciplinary subject.
- A relaxation 5% marks from 55% to 50% {(From 50 to 45 % for SC/ST/OBC-A/OBCB/PWD (PH)} may be given for those who had obtained their Master’s degree prior to 19th September 1991.
Rabindra Bharati University PhD Admission 2021 Application Process
- Online Application can be made on the University Website at: https://online.rbu.net.in/
- Candidates are allowed to apply for one subject only.
- The applicant is not required to submit the hard copy of duly filled-in downloaded Application Form to the University. However, the hard copy of duly filled-in downloaded Application Form along with self-attested copies of all mark sheets, certificates and other relevant documents and copy of payment receipt will be required only at the later stage if the candidate is provisionally selected for admission.
Admission Procedure
All the candidates (other than exempted candidates as mentioned above) will have to appear for a written Entrance Test, and if qualified, have to appear for an interview/viva-voce to be conducted by the respective Department Research Committee.
Written Entrance Test and Interview
- Written Entrance Test and Interview will be taken for selection of eligible candidates for admission to Ph.D Programmes.
- Written Entrance Test will be of 100 marks.
- Total duration of the Test will be 3(three hours).
- Written Entrance Test will have two halves of 50 marks each
- First half will be common to all candidates belonging to Faculties of Arts, Fine Arts and Visual Arts. This half will be based on Research Methodology. It will include 50 questions of one mark each in MCQ mode having for four options of answer – A,B,C & D. This half will be known as Common Research Aptitude Test.
- Second half will be subject oriented. It will include Objective Type Questions (10 marks), Short Answer Type Questions (20 marks) and Essay writing on given topic or areas of interest of the candidate etc. {(within 300 words) (20 marks)}.
- Qualifying Marks
- Each candidate will have to obtain 40% {(30 % for SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B/PWD (PH)} individually as qualifying marks in both halves ( 1 st half and 2 nd half ) .
- In order to qualify for the Interview, each candidate will be required to score at least 50% {(45 % for SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B/PWD (PH)} marks (marks of 1st half and 2nd half taken together after screening the qualifying marks of 40% {(30 % for SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B/PWD (PH)}individually in both halves ( 1st half and 2nd half ) out of 100 marks.
Exemption from appearing the Written Entrance Test
- The candidates who have qualified NET / SET / GATE or Teacher Fellowship Holder or have passed M.Phil programme, will be exempted from appearing in the written Entrance Test to be conducted by the University.
- Such candidates will have to appear in the viva-voce/interview only.
- Each and every qualified candidate in Written Entrance Test and the candidates who have qualified/cleared M.Phil as per UGC Regulations, 2009 /NET / SET / GATE or Teacher Fellowship Holder will be required to appear in Interview of 100 marks.
- The Interview will be conducted by the respective Department Research Committee.
- In the viva-voce/interview for admission to Ph.D programmes, qualifying marks will be 50% {(45% for SC, ST, OBC-A, OBC-B& PWD (PH)}.
Merit List
- Merit list of the candidates will be prepared on the basis of a weightage of 70% to the entrance test (CET) and 30% to the performance in the viva-voce/Interview.
- For exempted candidates weightage of 100% to the performance in the viva-voce/Interview will be given to prepare the merit list.
- In the case of candidates obtaining same marks in the Admission test (written & interview both in together) for admission to PhD programmes, the merit will be determined by firstly counting the academic score obtained in the Master’s Degree; if not settled, then by counting the academic score obtained in the Bachelor’s Degree and so on, down the career up to madhyamik or its equivalent level.
For more details and to apply online – visit
Previous Years Admissions
Rabindra Bharati University PhD Admission 2020
Important Dates
Availability of online Admission form on the University website | 06th to 23rd January 2020 |
Last date for online payment through Payment Gateway is | 24th January 2020 upto 4:00 p.m. |
Downloading of Admit Cards | 29th to 31st January 2020 |
Date of Admission Test (CET) | 02nd February 2020 |
Evaluation of papers | 03rd February 2020 |
Publication of CET Result | 10th February 2020 |
Date of Viva Voce | 12th and 13th February 2020 |
Publication of 1st Provisional Merit List on the website | 18th February 2020 |
Provisional online Admission of 1st Merit List | 19th to 22nd February 2020 |
Commencement of Ph.D Classes | 26th February 2020 |
Confirmation of Admission | 26th February 2020 |