LNMIIT Jaipur PhD Admissions 2022-23 Even Semester : Dates, Application Form

LNMIIT Jaipur PhD Admissions

LNMIIT Jaipur PhD Admissions 2022-23 Even Semester – The LNM Institute of Information Technology (LNMIIT) Jaipur invites applications for PhD Admissions in various departments for the even semester 2022-23.

Check more details on LNMIIT Jaipur PhD Admissions 2022-23 Even Semester below here.

LNMIIT Jaipur PhD Programs

Applications are invited for admission to PhD Programme in the following departments –

  • Physics
  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science & Engineering
  • Electronics & Communication Engineering
  • Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering
  • Humanities and Social Sciences

LNMIIT Jaipur PhD Admissions 2022-23 Even Semester Important Dates

Portal opens for registration6th Oct. 2022
Portal closes on (Last date of application to be considered for Ph.D. admission in even semester 2022-23)15 November
Dept. shortlisting by21 November
Shortlisted students to be informed by (email/portal)25 November
Date of Entrance Exam and Interview in all departments for Ph.D. admission even semester 2022-238-9 December
Results of Ph.D. admission process will be declared20 December
Offer letters to be sent by24 December
Reporting and Joining Date/Verification of documents.2nd Jan., 2023

Eligibility Criteria for LNMIIT Jaipur PhD Admissions 2022-23 Even Semester

For Computer Science & Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering and Mechanical-Mechatronics Engineering

  • Master’s degree in engineering (M. Tech / ME ) in a relevant field with 60 % marks or equivalent CPI/CGPA. OR
  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering in relevant field (typically 4-year Programme) with a minimum of 90 % marks or equivalent CPI/CGPA and a valid GATE score of 99 percentile or above in the relevant area of application.
  • The students awaiting their qualifying examination results are also eligible to apply. They need to submit the qualifying mark sheets and/or certificates at the time of admission.

For Physics and Mathematics

  • Master’s degree in the relevant subject (Physics/Mathematics) with 55% marks or equivalent CPI/CGPA. OR
  • Bachelor’s degree in science and engineering (typically 4-year programme) relevant to area of application with 80% marks or equivalent CPI/CGPA and a valid GATE score in the relevant area of application.
  • The students awaiting their qualifying examination results are also eligible to apply. They need to submit the qualifying mark sheets and/or certificates at the time of admission.

For Humanities and social Sciences

  • Master’s degree in related subject/relevant areas with 55% marks or equivalent CPI/CGPA.
  • The students awaiting their qualifying examination results are also eligible to apply. They need to submit the qualifying mark sheets and/or certificates at the time of admission.

For detailed eligibility criteria refer to LNMIIT Jaipur website.

LNMIIT Jaipur PhD Admissions 2022-23 Even Semester Application Process

Candidates has to fill the online PhD application form through official website (https://erp.lnmiit.ac.in/pgadm/)

The application fee for Ph.D. Programme is Rs. 250/- for female applicants and Rs. 500/- for the rest of the applicants, payable through Credit Card, Debit Card and Net Banking.

The following documents need to be uploaded in PDF format only (except the photograph)

  1. Scanned copy of photograph in JPEG format
  2. Scanned copy of class 10th standard certificate
  3. Scanned copy of class 12th standard certificate
  4. Scanned copy of the last degree mark-sheet/transcript
  5. Scanned copy of the provisional degree certificate/degree certificate (if available)
  6. Two letters of recommendation from faculty who taught you at the last degree level or from relevant industry, research lab where applicant may have either carried out an internship or may have been employed. At least one of these letters of recommendation should come from the university/college, where the applicant may have studied last. For this purpose, the names of the referees along with their official e-mails addresses are to be provided by the candidates in the online application portal. The referees will be contacted electronically through an auto generated mail to submit their recommendations online.
  7. Statement of purpose(SoP) – Applicants are required to write a one page Statement of Purpose (SoP) in their own words that needs to be uploaded.

Selection Procedure

  • Selection for PhD Program will be on the basis of an entrance examination and an interview.
  • Candidates having qualified for national level fellowships like CSIR/UGC-NET-JRF, DST-INSPIRE, NBHM Ph.D. scholarship or equivalent valid fellowship in the relevant subject/discipline may be exempted from the written examination but they have to appear in interview.


  • Students may avail financial assistantship from external funding agencies (such as UGC/CSIR/NBHM/DST/DAE etc.) as well as from industries.
  • Financial assistance is available from the Institute to the meritorious students in the form of teaching and research assistantship as per Institute norms, for those candidates who may not have any external fellowship.
  • Partial financial support is available to the meritorious students to attend the workshops, short term courses and for paper presentation in refereed quality conferences as per Institute norms.
  • The institute fellowship for full time Ph.D. candidates is as follows:
    • INR 31,000 per month for initial two years
    • INR 35,000 per month for the next three years
  • Part time candidates are not eligible for the institute fellowship.


Students are encouraged to avail financial assistantship from external funding agencies also (such as UGC/CSIR/NBHM/DST/DAE etc.) as well as from industries. They may have to be involved in Department as per rules.

Important Links

NotificationClick Here
Application FormClick Here
LNMIIT Jaipur WebsiteClick Here
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Previous Admissions

LNMIIT Jaipur PhD Admissions 2022-23 Odd Semester

Important Dates

Last date of application31 May 2022
Date of Entrance Exam and Interview30 June-01 July 2022
Result of Ph.D. admission process07 July 2022
Reporting and joining date01 Week of Aug 2022

LNMIIT Jaipur PhD Admissions 2021-22 Odd Semester

Important Dates

Last date of application09 June 2021
Date of Entrance Exam and Interview01 July 2021
Result of Ph.D. admission process07 July 2021
Reporting and joining date01 Week of Aug 2021