All details related to IISER PhD Admission Process including notification, eligibility & schedule.
Course Enrollment Plan
Zero Plan
All Courses under Zero Plan are Free
How To Enroll in the Courses under Zero Plan
- Step-1 : Create your account using a active email address (Verification needed).
- Step-2 : Verify your email account by clicking on confirmation link received on the given email address.
- Step-3 : Now Login into your account if you are logged out.
- Step-4 : Come to courses page and find your desired course under Zero Plan.
- Step-5 : If you are logged in then you will see enroll option under Zero Plan. Just Enroll into the course.
About IISERs
About IISERs & List of IISERs
IISER PhD Admission
IISER Kolkata PhD Admission
IISER Pune PhD Admission
IISER Mohali PhD Admission
IISER Bhopal PhD Admission
IISER Thiruvananthapuram PhD Admission
IISER Tirupati PhD Admission
IISER Berhampur PhD Admission