ITRA Jamnagar PhD Admission 2023 – Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda, Jamnagar invites applications for PhD admission in Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Science & Medicinal Plant Science for the academic session 2023-24.
Check full details on ITRA Jamnagar PhD Admission 2023 here.
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About ITRA Jamnagar
- Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda (ITRA) is the first ‘Institute of National Importance’ in the sector of Ayush (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy).
- The parliament of India passed the ‘Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda Act, 2020’ and the provisions of this act came into force on 15th October 2020.
- The ITRA is formed by the conglomeration of three different institutes viz. Institute of Post Graduate Teaching and Research in Ayurveda (IPGT&RA), Shree Gulabkunverba Ayurved Mahavidyalaya and Indian Institute of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jamnagar.
ITRA Jamnagar PhD Programs
ITRA Jamnagar offers Ph.D. program through Entrance Examination 2022 in 13 specialties for PhD (Ayurveda) and for Ph.D. (Ayurveda Pharmacy) and Ph.D. (Medicinal Plants) for the academic session 2023-24.
ITRA Jamnagar PhD Admission 2023 Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility for Research Scholar: The applicants for admission to the PhD programme shall possess any of the following qualifications, namely:-
- Post graduate degree in Ayurveda, MD (Ayurveda) or MS (Ayurveda) from a recognized University or Institute established by law;
- Post graduate degree in Ayurveda Pharmacy or Medicinal Plants or related disciplines.
- The applicants appearing in the final year examination of their respective Post Graduate degrees may also apply for entrance test; however, their admission shall be subject to their passing in those examinations at the time of counselling.
- No candidate shall be eligible to register for the Ph.D. Program, if he/she is already registered for a PhD program in other Institute or University.
- If any candidate employed in the regular service, he or she shall have to submit the “No Objection certificate from the concerned employer during counselling.
ITRA Jamnagar PhD Admission 2023 Important Dates
Date of Notification | 25 November 2022 |
Admission form available online | 25 November 2022 |
Last Date for receipt of forms | 15 December 2022 |
Date of entrance test | 05 January 2023 |
Date of result declaration | 06 January 2023 |
Date of Counseling | 07 January 2023 |
Date of joining | 16 January 2023 |
ITRA Jamnagar PhD Admission 2023 Application Process
- The candidates seeking admission to the PhD course are required to apply online through a pre-specified application form on www.itra.ac.in with payment of requisite fees on or before the last date of submission.
- Examination Fees are to be paid through Demand Draft. The Demand Draft should be in favour of “Director, I.T.R.A. – Jamnagar”
- Print out of dully completed application form along with the Demand Draft shall be submitted to the Dean (Academics), Institute of Teaching & Research in Ayurveda, Opp. B division police station, Gurudwara Road, Jamnagar, 361008 through registered/speed post by 5.30 pm on the last date. Forms received after the last date shall not be entertained. The paid fees shall not be refunded in any condition.
- Application fee for General Category / SEBC / OBC is Rs. 2000/- and Rs. 1500/- for SC/ST categories. The payment is to be made by the Demand Draft only. Demand Draft should be in favour of “Director, I.T.R.A. Jamnagar”.
ITRA Jamnagar PhD Admission 2023 Admission Process
- The admission to Ph.D. programmme is through entrance examination conducted by the Institute, followed by counselling.
- The entrance examination for admission to the Ph.D. programme in various subjects shall be conducted by the Institute for eligibility of the applicants.
- The entrance examination shall be conducted at the Institute. The Institute reserves the right to change or cancel the centre of examination without assigning any reason and shall be notified on the website of the Institute.
- For Ph.D. (Ayurveda), the eligibility entrance examination shall be based on knowledge of Ayurveda, current advances in Medical Science, Research Methodology, Biostatistics etc., and there shall be two question papers of multiple choice questions format, namely, Paper I and Paper II bearing equal weightage of fifty marks each. Paper I shall comprise the questions on Research Methodology and Biostatistics along with the current advances in Health Sciences and it shall be common for all the applicants and Paper II shall be subject specific.
- For PhD (Ayurveda Pharmacy) and PhD (Medicinal Plants), the eligibility entrance examination shall be based on the syllabus of Post Graduate degree programme and recent advances in Ayurvedic drug researches.
- The duration of the entrance test shall be ninety minutes.
- An applicant has to secure a minimum of fifty per cent cumulative marks for qualifying the examination for General or Other Backward Classes or Social and Economically Backward Classes categories and forty five per cent for Scheduled Cast or Scheduled Tribes categories.
- Each question shall consist of one mark for each right answer whereas, for each wrong answer one fourth mark shall be deducted.
- The result of the entrance examination shall be notified on the website of the Institute.
- If applicants of the same category and same specialty score cumulative equal marks in entrance test, the marks obtained in Paper-I shall be considered for the merit and in the condition of scoring equal marks in Paper-I, the marks secured in the final year graduation theory exam shall be considered for merit place.
- Entrance test is just for deciding the eligibility and short listing of the candidates. The final selection of candidate shall be done during the counselling.
Important Links
Notification | Click Here |
Brochure | Click Here |
Application Form | Click Here |
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