JAM Exam Pattern 2025 | Marking Scheme in JAM Exam 2025

JAM Exam Pattern
JAM Exam Pattern

Here you will get the complete details of JAM 2025 exam pattern with the marking scheme for all the sections.

JAM 2025 Exam Pattern

Here is the detailed pattern for JAM paper with sections, number of questions, negative marking, total marks, type of question, etc.

JAM 2025 Exam

Mode of ExamOnline/ CBT
Total number of Question60
Total Marks100
Exam Duration3 hours
Medium of ExamEnglish

Exam Pattern

SectionsSection ASection BSection C
Number of Questions301020
Total Marks502030
Negative Marking1/3 marks for 1-mark question.
2/3 marks For 2-marks question.
No negative markingNo negative marking
Type of Question(MCQ) Multiple Choice Questions(MSQ) Multiple Selective Questions(NAT) Numerical Answer Type

The JAM 2025 Examination for all the papers will be ONLINE Computer Based Test (CBT).

JAM Exam there will be three sections A, B and C containing a total of 60 questions carrying 100 marks. All sections are compulsory. Each section contains different types of questions as given below:

Section-A This section contains MCQs Type Questions.

  • Total Questions – 30
  • Total Marks – 50
  • 1 Mark Question – 10
  • 2 Mark Question – 20

Section-B This section contains MSQs Type Questions.

  • Total Questions – 10 Question of each 2 Mark
  • Total Marks – 20

Section-C This section contains MSQs Type Questions.

  • Total Questions – 20
  • Total Marks – 30
  • 1 Mark Question – 10
  • 2 Mark Question – 10

Pattern of questions and their respective weightage

Question PatternSection A
Section B
Section C
Total QuestionsTotal Marks
One Mark Questions10 (Q1-Q10)010 (Q41-Q50)2020
Two Marks Questions20 (Q11-Q30)10 (Q31-Q40)10 (Q51-Q60)4080

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ): MCQ type question has four choices out of which only one choice is the correct answer.

Multiple Select Questions (MSQ): MSQ type question is similar to MCQ.  The only difference is, there may be one or more than one correct choice out of the four given choices. The candidate will get full marks only if he/she selects all the correct options.

Numerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions: For each NAT type question, the answer is a real number that needs to be entered using the numerical virtual keypad. No choices will be given for these questions.

In all sections, questions not attempted will result in zero marks.

JAM 2025 Negative Marking

Section-A (MCQ)

  • 1/3 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer for 1-mark questions.
  • 2/3 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer for 2-mark questions.

Section- B (MSQ)

  • No negative marking

Section- C (NAT)

  • No negative marking.

Tip : To know the exam pattern better, must practice JAM Previous year Question Papers.

JAM Exam Schedule – Papers, Sessions and Timing

The JAM 2025 Online Examination will be held on February 02, 2025 in two sessions as a Computer Based Test (CBT).

Examination Date (Expected)SessionTest Papers and Codes
February 02, 2025
ForenoonChemistry (CY)
Geology (GG)
Mathematics (MA)
February 02, 2025
AfternoonBiotechnology (BT)
Economics (EN)
Mathematical Statistics (MS)
Physics (PH)

Before filling JAM Application for two subjects, a candidate must ensure that both the subjects are being conducted in different sessions. It is clear by the exam conducting authorities that the exam schedule will not be changed under any circumstances.

Know more about Joint Admission Test for Masters (JAM Exam Pattern Guidelines)

After knowing JAM 2025 Paper Pattern and marking scheme, you must know about the following points.

You can only use the online virtual calculator in the exam, no calculator from outside will be allowed.

You can select the answers for MCQs and MSQs using the mouse only, keyboard will be disabled in the exam.

A scribble pad will be provided for rough work that has to be returned at the end of the exam.

At the end of 3 hours, the computer will automatically end the exam.

Candidate must follow the guidelines provided by the JAM 2025 authorities otherwise it can be counted in unfair means. It may lead to cancelation of candidature from JAM Exam at any other stage of exam. The candidate may be disqualified as well to appear further in JAM.

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