IUCAA NAT 2024 (INAT): Application Form, Dates, Eligibility, Pattern, Syllabus


IUCAA NAT – INAT 2024: The Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune is going to conduct IUCAA National Admission Test (INAT) to select candidates for Ph.D. degree with scholarship at IUCAA and SPPU-IUCAA Joint M.Sc. (Physics with Astrophysics) programme.

Check full details on IUCAA NAT (INAT) 2024 below here.

About IUCA

The Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune (an autonomous institution set up by the University Grants Commission), is a leading centre of research in a wide range of areas in Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Physics. IUCAA is located in the Savitribai Phule Pune University campus.

IUCAA offers challenging opportunities to young motivated students to pursue a PhD degree in research topics in all areas of Astronomy and Astrophysics including Instrumentation, Multi-wavelength Ground and Space-based observations and Data analysis, Solar physics, Extra-Galactic Astronomy, High-energy astrophysics, Gravitational wave astrophysics, Theoretical and Computational astrophysics, Large-scale structure, Gravitation and Cosmology.

IUCAA is a participant in major national and international projects such as the currently operating 10-m Southern African Large Telescope (SALT), the multi-wavelength AstroSat mission, the upcoming Aditya-L1 mission; the next generation optical observatory – the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT); the planned advanced gravitational-wave observatory – the LIGO-India. IUCAA has a high-performance computational facility and an excellent library.

IUCAA National Admission Test (INAT-2024)

  • The IUCAA National Admission Test (INAT-2024) is being conducted to select candidates to pursue a Ph.D. degree with scholarship at IUCAA.
  • The written component of the Test will also be used to select eligible candidates into the SPPU-IUCAA Joint M.Sc. (Physics with Astrophysics) programme.
  • The written test will be held in Pune on Wednesday, 10 January, 2024.

IUCAA NAT (INAT) 2024 Eligibility Criteria

  • Students who have completed or expect to complete their M.Sc./Integrated M.Sc. degree (in Physics, Applied Physics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Electronics, or Astronomy) or B.E./ B.Tech./ M.E./ M.Tech. degree (in any branch) by July 2024, with 55% marks or more are eligible to apply for INAT-2024 towards a Ph.D. scholarship.
  • In addition, talented final-year B.Sc., 1st year M.Sc., 3rd/4th year Integrated M.Sc. and 2nd/ 3rd year B.E./ B.Tech. students may also apply to be pre-selected for the Ph.D. programme at IUCAA.
  • Students completing a B. Sc. degree in Physics (with Mathematics up to 2nd year) or a B.E. / B. Tech. degree in any branch of engineering, with a minimum of 55% marks may apply to be selected to the SPPU-IUCAA Joint M.Sc. (Physics with Astrophysics) programme.
  • A relaxation of 5% in the qualifying marks, from 55% to 50%, is applicable for candidates belonging to SC/ ST/ OBC-NCL/ EWS or Persons with Disabilities (PwD) category.

Selection Procedure

  • Based on the applications and referee assessments, a subset of the candidates will be short-listed and invited to take the written test, to be held in Pune on January 10, 2024.
  • All candidates should report at the Chandrasekhar Auditorium, IUCAA, with the necessary documents for verification (Passport-size Photo, one of the Photo IDs like Aadhaar/ PAN/ Voter ID/ Driving License/ College ID/ Passport in original and the Admit letter, for all invited candidates). Registration for the test will begin at 8:00 a.m. and end at 9:45 a.m. A seat in the test is not guaranteed unless registration is completed by the candidate during this period.
  • The final selection to the research scholarship will be based on the results of the written test (on January 10, 2024) and two interviews (during January 10 – 12, 2024), all to be held at IUCAA, Pune.
  • No walk-in candidates will be allowed entry to the INAT-2024 written test. Only those with a valid Admit Letter will be given entry.
  • Note that the selection to the Ph.D. programme at IUCAA through INAT is in addition to the selection through the Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST), while selection to the SPPU-IUCAA M.Sc. (Physics with Astrophysics) Programme is only through the INAT written test.

IUCAA NAT (INAT) 2024 Important Dates

Last date for submission of online application forms15 November 2023
Last date for the online submission of the Assessment forms19 November 2023
INAT 2024 Admission (written) test  Date10 January 2024 (Wednesday)
Short-listed candidates will be interviewed on10-12 January 2024

INAT 2024 Test & Interview

INAT Written Test10 January 2024Chandrasekhar Auditorium, IUCAA,
Savitribai Phule Pune University Campus, Ganeshkhind,
Pune 411007, Maharashtra
Short-listed candidates will be interviewed on10-12 January 2024At IUCAA, Pune

IUCAA NAT (INAT) 2024 Application Process

  • Candidates have to apply online on http://inat.iucaa.in/
  • There are TWO steps in the application procedure.
  • Candidates must first register by entering their name and valid e-mail address in the appropriate registration boxes below. An application password will then be automatically sent to the candidates e-mail address.
  • The e-mail address and the password must be entered in order to fill out the Online Application Form. The Application Form also requires the names and e-mail addresses of two referees.
  • When the form is submitted, the candidate will receive an e-mail containing his/her Online ID, an account password, and confirmation that s/he has applied for INAT-2024.
  • E-mails will also be automatically sent to the two referees, requesting them to fill and submit the online Confidential Assessment Form. The candidates should inform their referees about the Assessment Form.
  • Note that each applicant must submit his/her Application Form before the referee fills the Assessment Form.
  • Based on the applications and referee assessments, a subset of the candidates will be shortlisted and invited to take the written test, to be held in Pune on January 10, 2024.
  • All outstation candidates who are invited to take the test will be paid travel support as per the prevailing rules.
  • You should report at the Chandrasekhar Auditorium, IUCAA, together with the necessary documents for verification (the ones mentioned above, for the Admit letter, for all invited candidates). Registration for the test will begin at 8:00 a.m. and end at 9:45 a.m. A seat in the test is not guaranteed unless registration is completed by the candidate during this period.

IUCAA NAT (INAT) 2024 Exam Details

  • The test will be of TWO hours duration.
  • The question paper will be in English.
  • The questions will be from basic Physics, Mathematics, Electronics/ Engineering to advanced areas of the same subjects and consists of three parts:
    • Part – A: Basic Physics, Mathematics, and Engineering
    • Part – B: Advanced Physics, Mathematics and Engineering
    • Part – C: Both basic and advanced areas of Physics, Mathematics and Engineering

INAT Exam Pattern

Question paperTypeNo. of questionsmarks for each questionNegative marking
Part-AObjective163Yes (-1)
Part-BObjective163Yes (-1)
Part-CInteger type
(all answers are in integers of 3 digits)

Ph.D. selection:

Based on their performance in the written test, a limited number of candidates will be invited for two interviews, which will be conducted during January 10 – 12, 2024. The final selection will be based on the scores in the written test and interviews. Selected candidates are expected to join in August 2024 (except for pre-selected candidates), after satisfactory completion of their qualifying examination. Pre-selected candidates will need to complete their qualifying degree (M. Sc./ B.E./ B. Tech.) from any institute and join the Ph.D. programme only after that.

SPPU-IUCAA M.Sc. selection:

Based on their performance in the written test, a limited number of candidates will be invited to join the SPPU-IUCAA Joint M.Sc. (Physics with Astrophysics) Programme starting July 2024, subject to completing their qualifying degree (B.Sc. Physics [with Mathematics at 2nd year] / B.E. / B. Tech.) in the academic year 2023-24.

Travel and Stay:

A list of lodges and hotels located close to IUCAA is given here. Candidates (and accompanying persons) may have meals on payment in the IUCAA canteen on the days of the written test and interviews.

The best mode of transport between IUCAA and the Pune railway station or bus stand is auto rickshaw. The fare is as per the tariff card with the driver. During the day, the auto rickshaw fare from Pune railway station to IUCAA will be about Rs. 150/- to Rs. 200/-. Entrance to the INAT venue and IUCAA campus is from the Aundh-Khadki gate of the Savitribai Phule Pune University campus.

What to bring (and what NOT to bring) :

  • All the candidates who are invited to take the IUCAA National Admission Test should bring the Admit Letter with them.
  • For the written test, the candidates should bring a pen, a pencil (HB), an eraser, and a simple (non-programmable) scientific calculator.
  • At the time of interviews, the candidates are requested to bring all original mark sheets (starting from Class X) and any other relevant certificates.
  • Mobile phones, digital diaries, laptops or any other electronic devices that can communicate with the outside world are NOT allowed in the test and interview halls.

Important Links

INAT Poster PhDClick Here
INAT Poster MScClick Here
Application FormClick Here
IUCAA WebsiteClick Here

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