Important Dates

Commencement of Online Application Process for OCES/DGFS-202217th Jan, 2022 (Monday)
Last date for Registration for Online Application11th Feb, 2022 (Friday)
21st Feb, 2022 (Monday)
Last date for Submission of Online Application12th Feb, 2022 (Wednesday)
22nd Feb, 2022 (Tuesday)
Online Examination Slot Booking4th to 18 th March, 2022
13th to 19th March, 2022
Online Examination7th to 13 th April, 2022
2nd to 6th April, 2022
Last date candidates to upload the GATE Score13th April,2022
6th April, 2022
Display of List of candidates short-listed for Interview on Online Application Portal28th April, 2022
21st April, 2022

28th April, 2022
Availability based option on Online Application Portal to select Interview Slot for qualified candidates30th April to 4th May, 2022
2nd to 10th May, 2022
Selection Interviews14th June – 31st July, 2022
24th May to 24th June, 2022
Display of List of Candidates finally selected for OCES-2022 on Online Application Portal18th August, 2022 (Thursday)
(to be announced)
Last Date for Selected OCES-2022 Candidates desirous of DGFS to give details of M.Tech I M.Chem. Engg. admission in a DGFS institute20th August, 2022
(to be announced)
Declaration of List of Applicants Selected for DGFS-2022 on Online Application Portal2nd week of September, 2022
(to be announced)