NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2024-25 (Odd Semester): NIT Kurukshetra, Haryana invites online application for PhD admission for the academic session 2024-25 (Odd Semester).
Check full details on NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2024-25 (Odd Semester) below here.
Check Our New Website for PhD Notifications
NIT Kurukshetra PhD Programs
- PhD Civil Engineering
- PhD Computer Engineering
- PhD Information Technology
- PhD Electrical Engineering
- PhD Electronics & Communication Engineering
- PhD Mechanical Engineering
- PhD Production & Infrastructure Engineering
- PhD Physics
- PhD Chemistry
- PhD Mathematics
- PhD Humanities & Social Sciences (Economics, Management, Psychology)
- PhD Renewable Energy and Efficiency
- PhD VLSI Design & Embedded System
- PhD Computer Applications
- PhD Management
Institute Scholarship Seats 2024-25 (Odd Semester)
Department | Total Seats |
Civil | 11 |
Computer | 8 |
IT | 4 |
Electrical | 12 |
ECE | 10 |
Mechanical | 8 |
P&I | 4 |
MBA | 3 |
MCA | 3 |
Physics | 4 |
Chemistry | 4 |
Mathematics | 4 |
HSS | 2 |
SREE | 1 |
SVE | 2 |
Total | 80 |
Additional Seats
In addition to these seats, applications are also invited for Part-Time Ph.D. seats, Visvesvaraya Fellowship Scheme, Full-Time Ph.D. seats on CSIR-UGC-JRF etc. fellowship scheme or under any Full-Time Ph.D. seats in project fellowship (on minimum two-year fellowship). Such seats are variable in number depending on the availability of the supervisors’ slots of the concerned department/school for the Academic Year 2024-25.
Eligibility Criteria for NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2024-25 (Odd Semester)
An candidate should satisfy the prescribed qualifications to be eligible for admission to a Ph.D. program of the institute. Degrees obtained through distance education shall not be considered.
The course as well as the University of qualifying degree must be recognized by AICTE & UGC and will be verified by Academic Section before registration.
Minimum Qualification for Eligibility
Master’s degree in Engineering/Technology/Sciences/Mathematics/ Humanities and Social Sciences in respective discipline or equivalent with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 6.5 on a 10-point scale or equivalent or 60% marks in aggregate where marks are awarded.
The candidate having Master’s Degree must possess full time Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent also with a minimum CGPA of 6.5 on a 10-point scale or equivalent as determined by the Institute wherever letter grades are awarded in the qualifying degree, or 60% marks in aggregate where marks are awarded.
Full time Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering /Technology or equivalent with a minimum of 80% marks in aggregate or 8.0 CGPA on 10-point scale or equivalent and a minimum of 5 years of work experience at the level of Assistant Professor, Class-I Officer or equivalent in any reputed
Institute/Industry/Government organization, and evidence of Master’s level R&D work completed.
For the SC/ST/PwD candidates, the eligibility requirement of marks/CGPA will be relaxed by 5% or by a CGPA of 0.5 (on a 10-point scale) at both the Bachelor and Masters level.
Additional Eligibility Conditions for Part-Time PhD Admission
- Regular Employees working in R&D Organizations/Industries, National Laboratories, Government Organizations, Industries, PSUs, State Undertakings having MOU with NITKKR.
- Regular Employees of NITKKR working in any Department/School, Centre, Section and Cell of the Institute.
- Regular Employees of Educational Institutions either fully funded by Government or Government Aided Colleges/Institutes or maintained in the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mode.
- Regular Employees working in Government Organizations/Industries that do not have MOU with NITKKR.
- Regular Faculty of Private Academic Institutes with NIRF ranking below 200 at least once in last five years having sufficient facilities to carry out research at their place in the related research area.
- All such candidates should have a minimum experience of two years which will be counted from the date of joining in the sponsoring organizations to the last date of application in the Ph.D. programme. The candidate is required to produce the experience certificate at the time of interview by the respective DRC/SRC. Minimum qualification for these candidates is the same as for fulltime candidates.
- Part-time candidates are required to submit a “No Objection Certificate” on a proper letterhead from the appropriate authority in the organization clearly stating the following:
- That the candidate is permitted to pursue the Ph.D. research work on a part-time basis.
- That the candidate’s official duties permit the candidate to devote sufficient time for research work.
- That the facilities for the research work in the candidate’s field of research work are available at the candidate’s place of work.
- That the candidate will be sanctioned leave for sufficient duration for conduct of research work in case the research facilities are not available in the Institute/Industry/Organization.
- Part-time candidates are required to submit a “No Objection Certificate” on a proper letterhead from the appropriate authority in the organization clearly stating the following:
Eligibility for Institute Scholarship
- Only GATE/NET qualified research scholars shall be considered for the award of the Institute scholarship.
- The candidates with valid GATE score/valid NET are not required to appear in the written test for admission. The candidates whose GATE score / NET validity has expired, will have to appear in the written test.
- A Full-time research scholar may receive Institute scholarship for a maximum duration of FIVE years of the Ph.D. programme, subject to fulfilling the requirements of eligibility for the scholarship over the successive years of Ph.D. registration period.
- Initial award of the scholarship at the time of admission to Ph.D. programme will continue for two years from the date of the issue of the scholarship subject to satisfactory performance in every semester.
- Scholarship after the completion of 2nd year will be continued subject to the following conditions:
- (i) Successful completion of Ph.D. Course work with min. 7.0/10.0 CGPA.
- (ii) Successful completion of the comprehensive examination and approval of the research plan.
- Scholarship once discontinued will be restored as and when eligibility conditions (as above) are acquired. However, this will become effective from the 1st day of the next month.
The scholars receiving Scholarship/Fellowship from external Govt./Autonomous organizations shall be governed by the rules and regulations issued and amended by the respective Govt./Autonomous organizations.
Reservation/ Relaxation
Reservation in full time/regular PhD seats in various categories will be made as per the norms of Govt. of India from time to time. Such reservations in various categories will be implemented in all departments/schools on a rotational basis.
For the SC/ST/PwD applicants, the eligibility requirement of marks be relaxed by 5%, or by a CGPA of 0.5 (on a 10 point scale) at both the Bachelor’s and Master’s level.
NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2024-25 (Odd Semester) Important Dates
Activity | Tentative Dates |
Issue of advertisement | 29.04.2024 |
Online application on Google Form | 29.04.2024 – 31.05.2024 |
Last Date for submission Of Online application (Website Closure) | 31st May 2024 (3:00 p.m.) |
Display of result of Scrutiny of applications on Institute Website | 10.06.2024 |
Conduct of Written Test (Paper-1 and Paper-2) | 24.06.2024 |
Date of interview by DRC/SRC | 24/25.06.2024 |
Issue of admission letter to the recommended candidates for admission in Ph.D. programme | 29.06.2024 |
Joining of Ph.D. programme | 05.07.2024 – 10.07.2024 |
Date of commencement of classes for Course Work | 29.07.2024 |
NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2024-25 (Odd Semester) Application Process
- Visit the Institute’s website www.nitkkr.ac.in under Admission 2025->Ph.D. tab and submit the Ph.D. application form in the Google Form before last date.
- Before submitting the online application (Google Form) for Ph.D. admission, all interested candidates are advised to read the Ph.D. Ordinance, available on the Institute website, carefully for eligibility and other requirements
- The application fee of Rs. 1000/- for Open Category/OBC(NCL)/EWS candidates and Rs. 500/- for SC/ST/PwD candidates. The application fee is payable through SBI – Collect.
NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2024-25 (Odd Semester) Selection Process
- Applications for Ph.D. programs are to be invited from Indian and foreign nationals on the prescribed format. Applications as received will be scrutinized at the central level by the DRC/SRC of the concerned departments. After scrutiny, list of all eligible applicants will be uploaded on the institute website.
- All eligible candidates are required to appear in an objective type (MCQ) written test of PG level comprising two papers.
- Qualified candidates from written test will have to appear for interview.
Entrance Test Details
- All eligible applicants are to appear in two objective type written tests of PG level as below:
- Paper I – Research Methodology (Analytical skills, Reasoning, Aptitude) 30 marks, 30 minutes duration
- Paper II – Area of Research Specialization: 40 marks, 40 minutes duration
- Qualifying marks- 40 % marks in each paper,
- Tests will be conducted by the respective departments. Detailed guidelines for the conduct of tests (along with tests schedule) will be provided by the Dean (Academic).
- List of the qualifying candidates will be uploaded by the office of Dean (Academic) on the Institute website.
Exemption From Written (Entrance) Test
- Part-Time Ph.D. programme
- Regular employees of R&D Organization, National Laboratories, Public/Private Industry/PSUs/State Undertakings having an MoU with NITKKR and with adequate research facilities possessing First Division or 6.5 CGPA on 10-point scale or equivalent at M.Tech./PG level with minimum 5 years of relevant experience will be exempted from the written test.
- Regular employees of NITKKR.
- Full-time on Institute Fellowship: Candidates with GATE (valid score)/valid NET-LS from UGC, CSIR etc.
- Full-time with Fellowship / Scholarship from some external funding agency with GATE (valid score)/valid NET-LS or JRF from UGC, CSIR etc.
However, they shall be required to appear before the DRC/SRC for interview/interaction and qualify as per the prescribed norms in terms of the eligibility conditions.
- All qualified candidates will be required to appear before the respective DRC/SRC for an interview comprising a brief presentation by the candidate related to research area.
- DRC/SRC will evaluate the candidates and marks will be awarded out of 30 marks (10 marks for presentation, 10 marks for interview and 10 marks for academic achievements). Qualifying marks for this are 50% (15 marks out of 30 marks).
Final Merit List
- For the candidates exempted from the written test, DRC/SRC will award marks out of 100 on the basis of their presentation and interview with DRC / SRC for inclusion in the merit list.
- For all other candidates the score will awarded on the basis of total score out of 100.
- Based on the total number of seats available, the respective DRC / SRC will recommend the merit list of candidates along with allocation of the seat in accordance with the advertisement and the respective allotted supervisor(s).
- In case of tie, merit list will be prepared on the basis of following (in order of preference):
- Performance of candidate in written test
- Percentage of marks in qualifying degree
- Percentage of marks in 10+2
- Percentage of marks in 10th
- Seniority as per Date of Birth.
- After receiving the merit list as above, Dean (Academic) will issue the admission letters to recommended candidates for joining the programs.
NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2024-25 (Odd Semester) Results
NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2024-25 (Odd Semester) Results will be available online.
Important Links
Brochure | Click Here |
Ph.D. Regulations 2023-24 | Click Here |
Application Form for PhD | Click Here |
Google Form for Application | Click Here |
NIT Kurukshetra Website | Click Here |
Join Our Telegram Channel
Previous Admissions
NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2023-24 (Even Semester)
Institute Scholarship Seats 2023-24 Even Sem
Category | Seats |
General | 22 |
General (PwD) | 02 |
Gen-EWS | 06 |
Gen-EWS (PwD) | NIL (None) |
OBC-NCL | 17 |
OBC-NCL (PwD) | 01 |
SC | 06 |
SC (PwD) | 0 |
ST | 06 |
ST (PwD) | 0 |
Total | 60 |
NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2023-24 (Even Semester) Important Dates
Event Description | Date and Time |
Issue of Advertisement | November 01, 2023 |
Last date for application (Google Form) | November 30, 2023 (05:00 PM) |
Display of Scrutiny Result on Institute Website | December 07, 2023 |
Written Test (Paper-1 and Paper-2) | December 27, 2023, From 10:00 AM |
Interview by DRC/SRC | December 27-28, 2023 |
Issue of Admission Letters to Recommended Candidates | January 04, 2024 |
Joining of Ph.D. Programme | January 05, 2024 – January 10, 2024 |
Commencement of Classes for Course Work | January 08, 2024 |
NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2023-24 (Even Semester) Results
- Final schedule for written test of Paper-I, Paper-II and Interview for PhD admissions
- HSS Dept: DRC interview schedule for PhD admission
- EE Dept: The students are required to reach 9 am for documents verification as mentioned in the letter.
- Scrutiny Result of PhD Admission:
NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2023-24 (Odd Semester)
NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2023-24 (Odd Semester) Important Dates
Activity | Tentative Dates |
Issue of advertisement | 07.08.2023 |
Online application on Google Form | 07.08.2023 – 23.08.2023 05:00 PM |
Display of result of Scrutiny of applications on Institute Website | 26.08.2023 |
Conduct of Written Test (Paper-1 and Paper-2) | From 10:00 AM onwards on 28.08.2023 |
Date of interview by DRC/SRC | 29/30.08.2023 |
Issue of admission letter to recommended candidates | 31.08.2023 |
Joining of Ph.D. programme | 31.08.2023 – 01.09.2023 |
Date of commencement of classes for Course Work | 22.08.2023 |
Institute Scholarship Seats 2023-24
Department / School | Seats Allocation |
Civil Engineering | 11 |
Computer Engineering | 08 |
Information Technology | 04 |
Electrical Engineering | 12 |
Electronics & Communication Engineering | 11 |
Mechanical Engineering | 11 |
Production & Infrastructure Engineering | 04 |
Physics | 03 |
Chemistry | 03 |
Mathematics | 03 |
Humanities & Social Sciences | 01 |
School of Renewable Energy and Efficiency (SREE) | 01 |
School of VLSI Design & Embedded System (SVE) | 02 |
MCA | 03 |
MBA | 03 |
NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2023-24 (Odd Semester) Results
- Result of PhD admission in Odd Semester of AY 2023-24.
- Written exam result for phd admissions in department of computer applications
- List of eligible candidates for Ph.D (Physics) Interview on 29.08.2023
- List of Candidates to be interviewed on 29.08.2023 in the specialization in Computer Engineering / Information Technology
- List of candidates to appear for presentation-cum-interview on 30.08.2023 at 10.00 am for Ph.D. admission civil
- Written test result SREE for PhD admission Aug 2023
- Ph.D. Admission Test Result in Chemistry
- Result of Written test for Ph.D admission held on 28/08/2023 in EED
- Scrutiny Result of Applicants for admission to Ph.D. Program in ECE Department for 2023-24
- Scrutiny result / eligibility of phd applicants of EED
- Scrutiny Result for Ph.D. admissions in the Odd Semester of the AY 2023-24 (Mathematics)
- Ph.D. Admission Scrutiny list for Chemistry Department
- List of Qualified Candidates for Written Test for the PhD Admission Aug 2023 (Department of Business Administration)
- Scrutiny List of Ph.D. Candidates Mechanical Engineering Department
- Scrutiny list of PhD candidate HSS
- Scrutiny Result of PhD Admission in Odd semester AY 2023-24 (Computer Engg. Deptt.)
- Scrutiny Result for Ph.D. admission in Odd Semester of the AY 2023-24(Civil Engg. deptt.)
- Scrutiny of Ph.D. candidates for Odd Sem of A.Y. 2023-24 in the Department of Physics
- Screening applications for Ph.D. admissions in ODD Semester 2023-24 for Scholl of VLSI Design and Embedded Systems
- Scrutiny Result of PhD applications SREE
- Scrutiny Result for PhD Admission in Odd Semester of the AY 23-24
- Date, Time, and Venue schedule for PhD entrance examination for admission in Odd Semester of AY 2023-24.
NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2022-23 (Even Semester)
Available Institute Scholarship Seats 2022-23
Category | Institute Scholarship Seats |
Gen | 17 |
Gen (PwD) | 02 |
EWS | 07 |
EWS (PwD) | NIL |
OBC (NCL) | 18 |
OBC (PwD) | 01 |
SC | 05 |
SC (PwD) | 01 |
ST | 06 |
ST (PwD) | NIL |
Total Seats | 57 |
Project Seats
Department | Seats |
Physics | 01 |
Computer Engineering | 01 |
Electronics and Communication Engineering | 01 |
Computer Application | 01 |
Note – In addition to these seats, applications are also invited for Part-Time Ph.D. seats, Full-Time Ph.D. seats on CSIR-UGC-JRF etc. fellowship scheme or under any Full-Time Ph.D. seats in project fellowship (on minimum two-year fellowship). Such seats are variable in number depending on the availability of the supervisors’ slots of the concerned department/school for the Academic Year 2022-23.
NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2022-23 (Even Semester) Important Dates
Event | Dates |
Date of notification | 21 Nov 2022 |
Start of submission of application form | 24 Nov 2022 |
Last date for submission of application form (Extended) | 02 Jan 2023 |
Display of result of Scrutiny of applications | 05 Jan 2023 By 5 PM |
Conduct of Written Test (Paper-1 and Paper-2) | 09 Jan 2023 |
Date of interview by DRC/SRC | 10 Jan 2023 |
Issue of admission letter to the recommended candidates for admission in Ph.D. programme | 12 Jan 2023 |
NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2022-23 (Even Semester) Results
Selected Candidates
Shortlisted Candidates
NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2022-23 (Odd Semester)
Available Seats 2022-23 (Odd Semester)
Name of Departments / Schools | Institute Scholarship Seats |
Civil Engineering | 11 |
Computer Engineering | 08 |
Information Technology | 04 |
Electrical Engineering | 12 |
Electronics & Communication Engineering | 11 |
Mechanical Engineering | 11 |
Production & Industrial Engineering | 04 |
Physics | 03 |
Chemistry | 03 |
Mathematics | 03 |
Hum. & S.S. | 01 |
SREE | 01 |
VLSI | 02 |
MCA | 03 |
MBA | 03 |
Total Seats | 80 |
Important Dates 2022-23 (Odd Semester)
Event | Dates |
Date of notification | 29 July 2022 |
Start of submission of application form | 29 July 2022 |
Last date for submission of application form | 16 August 2022 |
Display of result of Scrutiny of applications | 18 August 2022 |
Conduct of Written Test (Paper-1 and Paper-2) | 22 August 2022 |
Date of interview by DRC/SRC | 23-24 August 2022 |
Issue of admission letter to the recommended candidates for admission in Ph.D. programme | 25 August 2022 |
NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2022-23 (Odd Semester) Results
- Ph.d Final result for AY 22-23
- Qualified candidates in the written test examination held on dated 22.08.2022 Department of Computer Applications
- Qualified candidates in the written test examination held on dated 22082022 SREE
- Qualified candidates in the written test examination held on dated 22082022 EED against Advt. No. 092022
- Result of Written Test Ph.D. admission Chemistry Department
- Interview of candidates qualified in the PhD admission written test on 23.8.22 at 10.30 AM (Computer Engg. Deptt.)
- Regarding- List of eligible candidates for Ph.D. Interview Physics
- Regarding Result of Ph.D written exam in Civil Engineering Deptt 2
- Ph.D. Entrance Written Test Result MED held on 22.8.22 Interview Shortlisted Candidated
- List of Eligible Candidates for Ph. D Interview AY 2022-23 in Mathematics
- Revised List of Scrutiny Result For Ph.D admission in Odd Sem. Of the AY
- Scrutiny List for Ph.D. School of Renewable Energy and Efficiency
- Scrutiny list of Ph.D candidates in the department of Physics
- Scrutiny List for Ph.D. Admission Deptt. of Production & Industrial Engg. Odd Sem. AY 2022-23
- List of Scrutiny Result For Ph.D admission in Odd Sem. (Mechanical) Of the AY 2022-2023
- Scrutiny result for Ph.D admission in odd Semester of the AY 2022-23 of Department of Computer Applications
- Scrutiny Result for PhD admission in odd sem of the AY 2022-23 COE
- Scrutiny Report of Applications for admission to Ph.D. Programme in Civil Engineering
- Scrutiny Result for PhD in the Deptt of ECE
- List of EligibleNot Eligible candidates and schedule for written test and interview in Mathematics
- Scrutiny List Humanities and Social sciences Department
- Scrutiny Results for PhD admission Aug EED 2022
- Chemistry Department Scrutiny List
- Scrutiny Result for PhD Admisison (Department of Business Administration) Aug 2022
NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2021-22
Important Dates
Event | Dates |
Date of notification | 23 Nov 2021 |
Last date for submission of application form | 14 Dec 2021 |
Available Seats
Name of Departments | Institute Scholarship Seats | Part Time | Total Seats |
Geotechnical Engineering | 2 | 2 | |
Structural Engineering | 3 | 4 | 7 |
Water Resources & Hydraulics Engineering | 2 | 7 | 9 |
Environmental Engineering | 2 | 3 | 5 |
Transportation Engineering | 1 | 1 | |
Remote Sensing | 1 | 1 | |
Computer Engg | 8 | 12 | 20 |
Information Technology | 4 | 12 | 16 |
Electrical Engg | 12 | 30 | 42 |
Electronics & Communication Engineering | 11 | 40 | 51 |
Production & Industrial Engineering | 3 | 6 | 9 |
Thermal Engineering | 4 | 8 | 12 |
Machine Design | 4 | 8 | 12 |
Production & Industrial Engineering | 4 | 10 | 14 |
Physics | 3 | 10 | 13 |
Chemistry | 3 | 15 | 18 |
Mathematics | 3 | 10 | 13 |
Economics | 1 | 2 | 3 |
SREE | 1 | 14 | 15 |
VLSI | 2 | 20 | 22 |
MCA | 3 | 4 | 7 |
MBA | 3 | 3 | |
Total Seats | 80 | 215 | 295 |
Note – In addition to these seats, applications will also be invited for CSIR-UGC-JRF or any other scholarship seats as sponsored by the external agency that are variable in number depending on the availability of the
supervisors’ slots of the concerned departments.
Project Seats
Department | Seats |
Physics | 01 |
Business Administration | 01 |
NIT Kurukshetra PhD Admission 2020-21
Important Dates
Extended Last date for submission of application form | 10 Aug 2020 |