Nehru Gram Bharati University PG Admission 2023-24: Dates, Application, Merit Lists

NGBU PG Admission
NGBU PG Admission

Nehru Gram Bharati University PG Admission 2023-24: Nehru Gram Bharati University, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh invites online application for PG admission for the academic session 2023-24.

Check full details on Nehru Gram Bharati University PG Admission 2023-24 here.

Nehru Gram Bharati University PG Programs

Conventional Programs

Admission based on Merit

S.No.Academic CourseIntakeDuration
1M.A.[Ancient History]6004 Semester
2M.A.[Education]6004 Semester
3M.A.[English]6004 Semester
4M.A.[Hindi]6004 Semester
5M.A.[Home Science]6004 Semester
6M.A.[Philosophy]2004 Semester
7M.A.[Political Science]6004 Semester
8M.A.[Sanskrit]6004 Semester
9M.A.[Sociology]6004 Semester
10M.A.[Geography]3004 Semester
11M.A.[Economics]3004 Semester
12M.Com.6004 Semester
13M.Sc.[Physics]3004 Semester
14M.Sc.[Chemistry]3004 Semester
15M.Sc.[Mathematics]3004 Semester
16M.Sc.[Botany]3004 Semester
17M.Sc.[Zoology]3004 Semester
18M.Lib. I.Sc.3002 Semester
19M.P.A.(Vocal)2004 Semester
20M.P.A.(Tabla)1004 Semester

Professional Programs

Admission through Entrance Test

S.No.Academic CourseIntakeDuration
21M.S.W.6004 Semester
22M.B.A.6004 Semester
23M.Ed.5004 Semester
24M.Ed.Spl.Ed.[Hearing Impairment]2004 Semester
25M.C.A.6006 Semester
26M.A.(Journalism & Mass Communication)3004 Semester
27LL.M.6004 Semester

Nehru Gram Bharati University PG Admission 2023-24 Eligibility Criteria

Conventional Programs

Admission based on Merit

S.No.Academic CourseEligibility
1M.A.[Ancient History]Arts Graduate with Ancient History as one of the subject in the last year
2M.A.[Education]Arts Graduate with Education as one of the subject in the last year
3M.A.[English]Arts Graduate with English as one of the subject in the last year
4M.A.[Hindi]Arts Graduate with Hindi as one of the subject in the last year
5M.A.[Home Science]Arts Graduate with Home Science as one of the subject in the last year
6M.A.[Philosophy]Arts Graduate with Philosophy as one of the subject in the last year
7M.A.[Political Science]Arts Graduate with Political Science as one of the subject in the last year
8M.A.[Sanskrit]Arts Graduate with Sanskrit as one of the subject in the last year
9M.A.[Sociology]Arts Graduate with Sociology as one of the subject in the last year
10M.A.[Geography]Arts Graduate with Geograpgy as one of the subject in the last year
11M.A.[Economics]Arts Graduate with Economics as one of the subject in the last year
12M.Com.Commerce Graduate
13M.Sc.[Physics]B.Sc. with Physics as one of the subject in the last year
14M.Sc.[Chemistry]B.Sc. with Chemistry as one of the subject in the last year
15M.Sc.[Mathematics]B.Sc. with Mathematics as one of the subject in the last year
16M.Sc.[Botany]B.Sc. with Botany as one of the subject in the last year
17M.Sc.[Zoology]B.Sc. with Zoology as one of the subject in the last year
18M.Lib. I.Sc.B.Lib.I.Sc.

Professional Programs

Admission through Entrance Test

S.No.Academic CourseEligibilityApproved from Statutory Council
21M.S.W.Graduation in Any Discipline (Admission on Merit) 
22M.B.A.Graduation in any Discipline 
23M.Ed.*B.Ed./B.A.B.Ed./B.Sc.B.Ed./B.El.Ed. with 50% marks or UG Degree & D.El.Ed. with 50% Marks eachNCTE
24M.Ed.Spl.Ed.[Hearing Impairment]* B.Ed.(HI) with 50% marks or B.Ed.(Gen) with D.Ed.(HI) with 50% marks in each or B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., B.Ed.(HI) (4 Years Integrated Course)
* Candidate should have valid RCI Registration
Link to RCI
25M.C.A.Graduation with mathematics as one of the subjects in Intermediate Level or B.C.A.
* For Lateral Entry in M.C.A. IInd Year, B.C.A. with 60% and Mathematics as one of the subjects at Intermediate Level
26M.A.(Journalism & Mass Communication)Graduation in any Discipline(Admission on Merit) 
27LL.M.Law Graduate with minimum 50% 

Nehru Gram Bharati University PG Admission 2023-24 Important Dates

Start of application formsJuly-Aug 2023
Last date for application formsto be announced
Merit Liststo be announced

Nehru Gram Bharati University PG Admission 2023-24 Application Process

  • Candidates have to apply online on the link available at university website.
  • Read instruction given there carefully before filling application form.

Selection Process

  • Candidates will be selected on the basis of Merit and on basis of entrance for some courses.

Nehru Gram Bharati University PG Admission 2023-24 Merit Lists

Nehru Gram Bharati University PG Admission 2023-24 Merit Lists will be available as per schedule. Merit lists will be updated here when available.

Important Links

NotificationClick Here
Application FormClick Here
Nehru Gram Bharati University WebsiteClick Here