IIT Kharagpur PhD Admission 2024-25 (Autumn Semester)- IIT Kharagpur offers admission to the PhD Program offered in different departments/ disciplines of Engineering, Technology, Science, Architecture & Regional Planning, Humanities & Social Sciences, Rural Development, Law, Management and Medicine.
Get more details on IIT Kharagpur PhD Admission 2024-25 (Autumn Semester) from the page below.
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IIT Kharagpur PhD Programs
Categories for PhD Admission
Applications are invited for admission to the Ph.D Programme [Regular with Institute Assistantship, Individual Fellowship (i.e. CSIR/UGC/DBT/ICMR/INSPIRE etc.), Sponsored, and Working Professionals] of the Institute in all disciplines of Engineering, Technology, Science, Architecture & Regional Planning, Humanities & Social Sciences, Rural Development, Law, Management and Medicine. Admission of reserved-category candidates will be done as per Government of India notification.
PhD Programs
PhD program is offered under the following departments, Centres, Schools for IIT Kharagpur PhD Admission –
- Aerospace Engineering
- Agricultural and Food Engineering
- Architecture and Regional Planning
- Bioscience and Biotechnology
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering
- Geology and Geophysics
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Industrial and Systems Engineering
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
- Mining Engineering
- Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture
- Physics
- Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence
- Advanced Technology Development
- Centre for Oceans, Rivers, Atmosphere and Land Science
- Centre for Computational and Data Sciences (CCDS)
- Cryogenic Engineering
- Centre of Excellence for Indian Knowledge Systems
- Centre of Excellence in Affordable Healthcare
- Rekhi Centre of Excellence for the Science of Happiness
- Deysarkar Centre of Excellence in Petroleum Engineering
- Materials Science
- Rubber Technology
- Rural Development
- P K Sinha Centre For Bioenergy and Renewables
- Centre of Excellence on Safety Engineering & Analytics (COE-SEA)
- Bio Science
- Energy Science and Engineering
- Environmental Science and Engineering
- G.S. Sanyal School of Telecommunication
- Nano Science and Technology
- Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering Entrepreneurship
- Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law
- Ranbir and Chitra Gupta School of Infrastructure Design and Management
- School of Medical Science and Technology
- School of Water Resources
- Subir Chowdhury School of Quality and Reliability
- Vinod Gupta School of Management
Eligibility Criteria for IIT Kharagpur PhD Admission 2024-25 (Autumn Semester)
Minimum 60% marks or a CGPA of 6.5 in 10 point scale in the qualifying examination (A and/or B given below) in Science /Engineering / Commerce /Management/ Law and/or equivalent OR
Minimum 55% marks or a CGPA of 6.0 in 10 point scale in the qualifying examination (A and/or B given below) in Social Science/Humanities/MBBS degree and/or equivalent.
Note –
Candidates appearing in the final year of qualifying degree programme whose final result is awaited is required to enter the CGPA/Marks of all other preceding semesters expect the final semester for that particular programme e.g., for B.Tech programme of 8 semesters, CGPA/Marks upto the 7th semester or M.Sc./M.Tech. programme of 2 years, CGPA/Marks upto 3rd semester and so on. An application not meeting this requirement will be rejected.
CGPA will not be converted into percentage if the degree awarding Institute provides marks in CGPA system and vice versa.
A) Minimum qualifying degree required for admission into the Ph.D. program
- M.Tech (Master of Technology) / MS / ME (Master of Engineering)/ M.Sc.(Engg.,)
- M. Arch. /MRP (Master of Regional Planning) / MCP (Master of City planning)
- M. Phil. (2 years programme)
- PG Diploma/MBA in Management of 2-year duration (after completion of M.Sc/MA/B.Tech/ M.Com)
- LLM (2 years programme) after either 3 years LLB degree after 10+2+3 examination or at least 5 years of integrated LLB degree after 10+2 examination
- A equivalent degree to any of the above
B) Minimum qualifying degree required for admission to the Ph.D. program
- BE (Bachelor of Engineering)/ B.Tech. (Bachelor of Technology)/ B.Sc (Engg.)
- B.Arch. (Bachelor of Architecture)
- M.Sc. (Master of Science) / M. Phil. (1 year program) / MA (Master of Arts)
- PG Diploma/MBA in Management of 2-year duration (after completion of B.Sc/B.Com/BA)
- MBBS degree with compulsory one-year internship
- 3 years LLB degree after 10+2+3 examination or 5 years (minimum) of integrated LLB degree after 10+2 examination
- A equivalent degree to any of the above
Additional Requirements for different Admission category
For Regular with Institute Assistantship
Candidates who are having minimum qualifying degree as (B) above must possess a valid GATE score that is above the cut-off level of students admitted for M.Tech/MCP admission in a particular year or NET qualification with Assistant Professorship for the award of Institute Research Assistantship. For admission in PhD programme, the validity of NET qualification with Assistant Professorship is for three (3) years from the date of declaration of NET results.
- If a person who is in employment and is applying for Institute Assistantship and is selected for admission, he/she must resign and produce the acceptance of resignation by the employer at the time of joining or produce a document that he/she is not receiving any salary from his/her employer along with proper document of sanctioned leave.
- The Institute Research Assistantship shall be awarded for a maximum period of 5 years. At present the amounts are as follows:
- Rs. 37,000/- pm for the first 2 years
- Rs. 42,000/- pm for the next 3 years
- No Research Student shall be permitted to receive any emoluments, salary, stipend or any other scholarship/assistantship during the tenure of Institute Research Assistantship.
For Individual Fellowship (CSIR/UGC/DBT/ICAR/INSPIRE etc.)
- Candidates applying for Individual Fellowship category must have valid fellowship award letter issued by the respective fellowship agency (i.e. CSIR/UGC/ICMR/DST/DBT etc.).
- Candidates admitted under Individual Fellowship category shall not be entitled for Institute Research Assistantship.
For Sponsored
- Persons who possess the minimum prescribed qualifications (a) OR (b) (without GATE/NET) mentioned above and are in service in any of the following establishments with Minimum of two-year job experience shall be eligible for admission to the Ph.D program as sponsored candidates:
- a) Defense or other ministries of the Government of India or any other government
- organizations;
- b) Established industrial research and development organizations;
- c) Autonomous bodies and public undertakings;
- d) Universities/colleges;
- e) Reputed industries as may be recognized by the Institute.
- An intending sponsored candidate must submit his/her application in prescribed form along with No objection cum sponsorship certificate (Appendix I) for admission through his/her employer, who will forward the same to the Institute with suitable endorsement.
- A sponsored candidate selected for admission shall be required, at the time of joining the Institute, to produce certificate in the prescribed form from the employers to the effect: (i) that he/she has been officially released from his duties for purpose of joining the program and has been granted leave for the required period; (ii) that his/her services shall be retained with the employer.
- In the case of a sponsored candidate admitted as such to the Ph.D program, the minimum residential requirement is one year at a stretch subject to successful completion of the prescribed course work.
- A candidate sponsored by an industry, an R&D organization, educational institution or a Government organization having adequate research facilities may be allowed to work externally subject to his/her fulfilling all such conditions prescribed in the Regulations. There is no provision of any financial assistance for sponsored candidates.
For PhD through Project
- Persons who possess the minimum prescribed qualifications and are working in a sponsored project of the Institute (i.e. under the auspices of SRIC of the Institute) shall be eligible for admission to the Ph.D program under project category.
- An intending candidate must submit his/her application in the prescribed form for admission through Principal Investigator, Head of the Department/Centre/School and Dean (SRIC) with suitable endorsement.
- The minimum remaining period of the project as well as the tenure of the project employee should be at least 2 years from the date of joining the Ph.D program.
For detailed eligibility read information brochure.
B.Tech. from IITs
- B.Tech degree and Dual Degree (B.Tech & M.Tech ) holders having final CGPA >=8.00 from Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) will be given direct admission in Ph.D. Programme with Institute Research Assistantship.
For Working Professionals eligibility details refer to prospectus.
IIT Kharagpur PhD Admission 2024-25 (Autumn Semester) Important Dates
Events | Dates |
Commencement of Online application form submission | February 13, 2024 |
Website closure for submission of online application form | March 15, 2024 |
Last date for receipt of hard copy of completed application (for Ph.D through Project category only) at the Academic Section | March 22, 2024 |
Written Test and Interview to be conducted in the respective Departments/Centres/Schools (for shortlisted candidates only) | May 02, 2024 to May 15, 2024 |
Date of admission | July 15, 2024 |
IIT Kharagpur PhD Admission 2024-25 (Autumn Semester) Application Process
Applicants are required to apply online at IIT Kharagpur official website.
Application once submitted successfully cannot be altered/resubmitted under any circumstances.
Read instructions carefully before filling application form.
Steps To Fill Application Form
- STEP-I : Fill in the ONLINE application form
- Register with Your Email Id and Login. FILL in the appropriate data. Please note that you have to upload your testimonials wherever it is required to validate your information along with your digital photograph and signature.
- STEP-II : Make PAYMENT and SUBMIT Application
- Payment of application fee has to be made through online payment gateway only.
- After final submission of your online application, you will be able to generate your online application printed with your specific details/data. This application printout may be retained with you for future requirement.
Application fee
Category | Fee |
For Unreserved/OBC/EWS/Transgender candidates | Rs.1000/- |
For SC/ST/PwD/ Women candidates | Rs.500/- |
Selection Process
Departmental Academic Committee (Post-Graduate and Research), abbreviated as DAC (PG&R), of the Department/Centre concerned recommends the admission of a candidate to the Ph.D. program on the basis of:
- Overall Academic Performance
- Online Written Test and
- Interview
The academic units may shortlist the candidates for final interview based only on Overall Academic Performance or based on both Overall Academic Performance and an Online written test. However, final selection will be based on overall academic performance and performance in final interview only.
IIT Kharagpur PhD Admission 2024-25 (Autumn Semester) Results
Lit of shortlisted candidates will be declared after he application process is over.
Important Links
Information Brochure 2024-25 | Click Here |
Application Form | Click Here |
IIT Kharagpur Website | Click Here |
Join Our Telegram Channel
Previous Admissions
IIT Kharagpur PhD Admission 2023-24 (Autumn Semester)
Important Dates
Event | Dates |
Commencement of Online application form submission | 01 March 2023 |
Website closure for submission of online application form | 31 March 2023 |
Last date for receipt of hard copy of completed application (for Ph.D through Project category only) at the Academic (PGS&R) Section | 05 April 2023 |
Written Test and Interview to be conducted in the respective Departments/Centres/Schools (for shortlisted candidates only) | 02-12 May 2023 |
Date of Admission | 14-21 July 2023 |
IIT Kharagpur PhD Admission 2022-23 (Spring Semester)
Important Dates
Commencement of Online application form submission | September 21, 2022 |
Website closure for submission of online application form | October 11, 2022 |
Last date for receipt of hard copy of completed application (for Ph.D through Project category only) at the Academic (PGS&R) Section | October 13, 2022 |
Written Test and Interview to be conducted in the respective Departments/Centres/Schools (for shortlisted candidates only) | November 14, 2022 to November 21, 2022 |
Date of Admission | December 30, 2022 (Tentative) |
IIT Kharagpur PhD Admission 2022-23 Spring Semester Results
Selected Candidates
Click on the given link in table, then –> Apply Online Link –> List of Selected Candidates/Shortlisted Candidates
Subject/Department | List of Selected Candidates |
Physics | Selected Candidates |
Chemistry | Selected Candidates |
Mathematics | Selected Candidates |
Aerospace Engineering | Selected Candidates |
Agricultural and Food Engineering | Selected Candidates |
Architecture and Regional Planning | Selected Candidates |
Biotechnology | Selected Candidates |
Chemical Engineering | Selected Candidates |
Civil Engineering | Selected Candidates |
Computer Science and Engineering | Selected Candidates |
Electrical Engineering | Selected Candidates |
Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering | Selected Candidates |
Geology and Geophysics | Selected Candidates |
Humanities and Social Sciences | Selected Candidates |
Industrial and Systems Engineering | Selected Candidates |
Mechanical Engineering | Selected Candidates |
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering | Selected Candidates |
Mining Engineering | Selected Candidates |
Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture | Selected Candidates |
Artificial Intelligence | Selected Candidates |
Advanced Technology Development | Selected Candidates |
Centre for Educational Technology | Selected Candidates |
Centre for Oceans, Rivers, Atmosphere and Land Science | Selected Candidates |
Centre for Theoretical Studies | Selected Candidates |
Centre for Computational and Data Sciences (CCDS) | Selected Candidates |
Cryogenic Engineering | Selected Candidates |
Rekhi Centre of Excellence for the Science of Happiness | Selected Candidates |
Deysarkar Centre for Excellence in Petroleum Engineering | Selected Candidates |
Materials Science | Selected Candidates |
Rubber Technology | Selected Candidates |
Rural Development | Selected Candidates |
P K Sinha Centre For Bioenergy and Renewables | Selected Candidates |
Energy Science and Engineering | Selected Candidates |
Bio Science | Selected Candidates |
Environmental Science and Engineering | Selected Candidates |
G.S. Sanyal School of Telecommunication | Selected Candidates |
Nano Science and Technology | Selected Candidates |
Rajendra Mishra School of Engineering Entrepreneurship | Selected Candidates |
Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law | Selected Candidates |
Ranbir and Chitra Gupta School of Infrastructure Design and Management | Selected Candidates |
School of Medical Science and Technology | Selected Candidates |
School of Water Resources | Selected Candidates |
Subir Chowdhury School of Quality and Reliability | Selected Candidates |
Vinod Gupta School of Management | Selected Candidates |
IIT Kharagpur PhD Admission 2022-23 (Autumn Semester)
IIT Kharagpur PhD Admission 2022-23 Autumn Semester Important Dates
Commencement of Online application form submission | March 22, 2022 |
Website closure for submission of online application form (Extended) | April 20, 2022 |
Window for Interviews in Depts/Centres/Schools (for short listed candidates) | May 23 to June 03, 2022 |
Date of admission in the Ph.D. programme for selected candidates | August 01, 2022 (Tentative) |
IIT Kharagpur PhD Admission 2021-22 (Spring Semester)
Important Dates
Commencement of Online application | October 09, 2021 |
Last Date of online application | October 27, 2021 |
Last date for receipt of hard copy of completed application (for Ph.D through Project category only) at the Academic (PGS&R) Section | November 8, 2021 |
Test & Interview to be conducted in the respective Departments/Centres/Schools (for shortlisted candidates) | November 17 to 28, 2021 (Tentative) |
Date of Admission | First week of January 2022 (Tentative) |
IIT Kharagpur PhD Admission 2021-22 (Autumn Semester)
Important Dates
Commencement of Online application | 30 March 2021 |
Last Date of online application | 20 April 2021 |
Last date for receipt of hard copy of completed application (for Ph.D through Project category only) at the Academic (PGS&R) Section | 26 April 2021 |
Test & Interview to be conducted in the respective Departments/Centres/Schools (for shortlisted candidates) | May 20 to 30, 2021 (Tentative) |
IIT Kharagpur PhD Admission 2020-21 (Spring Semester)
Important Dates
Commencement of Online application | October 29,2020 |
Extended Last Date of online application | November 24, 2020 |
Test & Interview to be conducted in the respective Departments/Centres/Schools (for shortlisted candidates) | December 8-15, 2020 (Tentative) |
IIT Kharagpur PhD Admission 2020-21 (Autumn Semester)
IIT Kharagpur PhD Physics Admission 2020-21 Autumn Semester
List of selected candidates
1 | 2020101015130 | SUKHDEEP SINGH | PH | Individual Fellowship (CSIR/UGC/DBT/ICMR/INSPIRE etc.) |
2 | 2020101110843 | NADIRA SULTANA | PH | Individual Fellowship (CSIR/UGC/DBT/ICMR/INSPIRE etc.) |
3 | 2020101110927 | KAMINI BHARTI | PH | Regular with Assistantship |
4 | 2020101112607 | MOHD GAYAS ANSARI | PH | Individual Fellowship (CSIR/UGC/DBT/ICMR/INSPIRE etc.) |
5 | 2020101112930 | MAHESWAR MAJI | PH | WP |
6 | 2020101114693 | KSHYANAPRAVA@GMAIL.COM | PH | Regular with Assistantship |
7 | 2020101116872 | ASHISH | PH | Regular with Assistantship |
8 | 2020101310568 | ASHES SHIT | PH | Regular with Assistantship |
9 | 2020101311553 | BISWAJIT PAUL | PH | Individual Fellowship (CSIR/UGC/DBT/ICMR/INSPIRE etc.) |
10 | 2020101312298 | PINAKI DUTTA | PH | Regular with Assistantship |
11 | 2020101313869 | SOIRIK DAN | PH | Individual Fellowship (CSIR/UGC/DBT/ICMR/INSPIRE etc.) |
12 | 2020101313933 | KSHITISH KUMAR PRADHAN | PH | Regular with Assistantship |
13 | 2020101318322 | SRABONI DEY | PH | Individual Fellowship(INSPIRE) |
14 | 2020101414098 | NIKHIL PRAMANIK | PH | Individual Fellowship (CSIR/UGC/DBT/ICMR/INSPIRE etc.) |
15 | 2020101414221 | BHAGWAT SINGH CHOUHAN | PH | Regular with Assistantship |
16 | 2020101417005 | DIKSHA THAPLIYAL | PH | Regular with Assistantship |
17 | 2020101513057 | SOURAV MAL | PH | Regular with Assistantship |
18 | 2020101617365 | AMAN PAWAR | PH | Individual Fellowship (CSIR/UGC/DBT/ICMR/INSPIRE etc.) |
19 | 2020101617438 | RUPAL KAUSHIK | PH | Regular with Assistantship |
20 | 2020101711226 | SAPTA SINDHU PAUL CHOWDHURY | PH | Regular with Assistantship |
21 | 2020101718365 | PARDEEP KUMAR | PH | Individual Fellowship (CSIR/UGC/DBT/ICMR/INSPIRE etc.) |
22 | 2020101718414 | ANKIT RAKESH GUPTA | PH | Regular with Assistantship |
23 | 2020101812405 | MITALI SAHU | PH | Regular with Assistantship |
24 | 2020101817534 | DIPTIMAYA DASH | PH | Sponsored |
25 | 2020101910493 | ADITI CHAKRABARTY | PH | Regular with Assistantship |
26 | 2020101915888 | SNEHASISH ROY CHOWDHURY | PH | Regular with Assistantship |