IIT Bhilai PhD Admission 2024-25 Monsoon Semester – IIT Bhilai invites applications for admission into PhD programmes for academic session 2024-25 Monsoon Semester.
Get complete details such as application process, important dates, fee and more for IIT Bhilai PhD Admission 2024-25 Monsoon Semester here.
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PhD Program offered
IIT Bhilai offers PhD programs in the following disciplines
- PhD Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering
- PhD Chemistry
- PhD Computer Science and Engineering
- PhD Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- PhD Electrical Engineering
- PhD Electronics & Communication Engineering
- PhD Liberal Arts
- PhD Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering
- PhD Mathematics
- PhD Mechanical Engineering
- PhD Mechatronics Engineering
- PhD Physics
Eligibility Criteria for IIT Bhilai PhD Admission 2024-25 Monsoon Semester
Candidates must have ONE of the following in relevant subject areas.
- Master’s degree in engineering/Technology with first class, 60% marks (55% marks for SC/ST) or equivalent.
- Bachelor’s degree in engineering/Technology with first class, 60% marks (55% marks for SC/ST) or equivalent.
- Master’s degree in science, arts, social sciences with first class 60% marks (55% marks for SC/ST) or equivalent.
- M.Pharm with first class, 60% marks (55% marks for SC/ST) or equivalent.#
- M.B.B.S or B.D.S with first class, 60% marks (55% marks for SC/ST) or equivalent.#
Candidates must have ONE of the following additional requirements.
- Valid GATE/GPAT# Score (Also refer to Table 1 below for department/discipline specific criteria).
- Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) of CSIR/ UGC/ NBHM/ DBT/ ICAR/ ICMR/ ICPR/DAE or DST INSPIRE Fellowship (Also refer to Table 1 below for department/ discipline specific criteria).
- Minimum of 2 years of relevant professional experience. The experience gained while acquiring a master’s degree in engineering/Technology or experience acquired after obtaining the qualifying degree and completed before the starting of the semester in which admission is sought may be considered as professional experience.
- BTech from IIT with a CPI/CGPA of 8.0 or more.
- #NEET-PG, NEET-AIIMS (INI-CET), NEET-MDS scores as applicable.
Also refer to Table below for department/discipline specific criteria.
# Applicable for admission to PhD program in Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering only.
An ongoing degree may also be considered as a qualifying degree provided the applicant graduates before the PhD program starts.
Discipline Specific Criteria for IIT Bhilai PhD Admission 2024-25 Monsoon Semester
Discipline | Criteria |
Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering | Valid GATE score in BM/BT/CH/CS/CY/EC/EE/MA/ ST/XE/XL/ME/PH/IN or Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) of CSIR/ UGC in Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Life Sciences. |
Chemistry | CSIR-UGC NET (JRF/LS) in Chemical Sciences or Valid GATE score in CY. |
Computer Science and Engineering | Valid GATE score in CS/ EC/ EE/ MA/ ST or valid CSIR-UGC NET in Computer Science and applications. |
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence | Valid GATE score in any engineering discipline/MA/ST or valid CSIR-UGC NET in Computer Science and applications. |
Electrical Engineering | Valid GATE score in EE/ EC/ IN/ CS/ MA/ PH/ XE. |
Electronics & Communication Engineering | Valid GATE Score in CSE/EC/EE/IN/ PH or Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) of CSIR/ UGC in Electronic Science. |
Liberal Arts | MUST have qualified NET/ UGC JRF (Psychology) or GATE inXH or ICMR JRF (Social Sciences). |
Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering | Valid GATE Score in any engineering discipline/CY/PH/GG/XE or CSIR-UGC NET (JRF/LS) in Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Earth Sciences, Life Sciences, and Mathematical Sciences. |
Mathematics | CSIR-UGC NET (JRF/LS) in Mathematical Sciences or Valid GATE score in MA/ST. |
Mechanical Engineering | Valid GATE score in AE/ CE/CH/ME/MT/ PI/ PH/XE or JRF in allied areas of Mechanical and Physical sciences. |
Mechatronics Engineering | Valid GATE Score in ME/EE/EC/PI/IN/AE. |
Physics | CSIR-UGC NET (JRF/LS) in Physical Sciences or Valid GATE Score in PH/EE/XE/ME. |
Application Categories for PhD Admission
Applicant meeting the eligibility criteria may apply for admission to the PhD program under any of the following categories.
- Institute Fellowship
- Sponsored full-time
- Sponsored part -time
- External full-time
- External part -time
A. Regular:
- Applicant applying under this category has to be a full-time scholar at IIT Bhilai and needs to be present on the campus for the duration of PhD program as per the rules of IIT Bhilai.
- A regular student receives Institute Fellowship as per the norms defined by the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.
- Applicant applying under sponsored category (i.e., category B to E) DOES NOT receive institute fellowship.
B. Sponsored non-external full-time
- An applicant who is either awardee of research fellowship from some recognized funding agency (CSIR/ UGC/ NBHM/ DBT/ ICAR/ ICMR/ ICPR etc. or DST INSPIRE Fellowship) or is sponsored by his/her employer for the duration of PhD tenure may apply under this category.
- A sponsored full-time student needs to be present on the campus for the duration of PhD and be involved in full-time research as per the rules of IIT Bhilai. A certificate/declaration of sponsorship from the sponsoring body must be submitted by the applicant at the time of applying for admission.
- In case the applicant is employed by an organisation, he/she shall submit an undertaking of the employer endorsing that he/she shall be relieved for staying on the campus for the nominal duration of the program.
C. Sponsored non-external part -time
- Professionally employed personnel such as working engineers, scientists and teachers who can, while employed, attend regular classes as per schedule of IIT Bhilai may apply for admission to PhD program under sponsored part-time category.
- The applicant must be an employee of a recognized organization and be engaged in professional work in the relevant area. The student must be available in person for discussion/meeting with the supervisor on a regular basis.
- The applicant shall give an undertaking at the time of admission duly endorsed by the employer (No Objection Certificate) that he/she will be relieved for the course work.
D. Sponsored external full-time
- An applicant working in industry / academic establishment / research laboratories having R&D facilities may apply under this category. An external full-time student needs to be involved in full-time research at the organization employing the student. Such a student is expected to carry out all/major part of the research work in the organization employing the student. The employer must explicitly undertake to relieve the applicant for staying in the campus to complete the required course work.
- A certificate (No Objection Certificate) to that effect from the sponsoring organization must be provided by the applicant at the time of applying for admission.
- The applicant shall provide the CV of the prospective supervisor(s) who would supervise the applicant’s work at his/her organization. Student shall have a supervisor from his/her parent organization and a co-supervisor from IIT Bhilai.
E. Sponsored external part-time
- An applicant working in industry / academic establishment / research laboratories having R&D facilities may apply for admission to PhD programs under this category.
- An external part-time student may be involved in his/her regular job assignments along with the research for PhD. Such a student is expected to carry out all/major part of the research work in the organization employing the student. The employer must explicitly undertake to relieve the applicant for staying on the campus to complete the required course work.
- A certificate (No Objection Certificate) to that effect from the sponsoring organization must be provided by the applicant at the time of applying for admission. Student shall have a supervisor from IIT Bhilai and a co-supervisor from his/her parent organization.
- The applicant shall provide the CV of the prospective co-supervisor(s) who would supervise the applicant’s work at his/her organization.
- Applicants (i.e. category A to E) can opt for PMRF/ Visvesvaraya Scheme while filling the application form, such candidates will be considered for these fellowships subject to the availability of seats.
- Applicant opting for PMRF under direct entry mode or Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme:
- If selected, program category will be changed to Sponsored non-external full-time (i.e., Category B).
- If not selected later for the PMRF/Visvesvaraya fellowship, program category of the applicant shall be considered same as that of the program category opted by the applicant initially (i.e., A to E).
Thrust Research Areas
(Not limited to)
Department/Discipline | Broad Areas of Research |
Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering | Protein folding and stability, biophysics, bioinformatics,macromolecular simulations, infectious and Alzheimer’s disease, tissue engineering, drug delivery, cancer biology: MRI and optical imaging,bio microfluidics, artificial organs, artificial skin fabrication, drug diffusion through skin, targeted drug delivery, biosensors, Lab-on-a-chip devices, blood flow in microchannels. |
Chemistry | Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Halide Perovskite and Photo(electro)chemistry, Biomaterials, Inorganic & metal- organic chemistry, Theoretical and computational chemistry, catalysis and organic synthesis, Molecular Modeling, MD Simulations, Computational spectroscopy, Computational Asymmetric Catalysis, Computational Catalysis, Bioinformatics and Bioinorganic Chemistry,Electrochemical energy storage devices and Nanomaterials. |
Computer Science and Engineering | Systems and Networks: High Performance computing, Embedded computing, Edge computing, VLSI, Computer/Wireless networks, Compilers, Distributed systems, Multi-UAV systems, Scalable and Distributed Machine Learning Systems, Performance Analysis, Flying and adhoc network. Theoretical computer science: Algorithms,Formal Verification Methods. algorithms for mobile agents, Graph based Problems, UAV Path Planning, Graph theory, Approximation Algorithms, Combinatorial Optimization, Network Science, Vehicle Routing Problems, Energy Efficient Scheduling Problems. Distributed Computing, Algorithms for Mobile robots. Security: Hardware, Software, Blockchain, Quantum Computing and Quantum Cryptography, High Performance Cryptanalysis, Fault Attacks. |
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence | AI & Machine Learning: Pattern Recognition, Graph Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Explainability and Fairness in AI. Data analytics: Computer vision, Time Series Analysis, Analysis of multimedia data such as audio, image, and video. Analysis of remote sensing data, Medical Image Processing, Edge Analytics, Big Data Analytics and Visualization. Social & complex network analysis: Social Computing, Network science, Information diffusion, fake news detection, community detection. centrality measures, Graph Learning for Network Analysis. |
Electrical Engineering | Devices: Solar cells, PV module, fabrication of large area devices, large area perovskite solar cells, perovskite photodetectors, perovskite- Si tandem solar cells, PV module reliability. Control & Instrumentation: Remote sensing, Bio-sensors, Digital Control, Intelligent Control, Image Processing, Computer Vision, Analysis of remote sensing images/data. |
Electronics & Communication Engineering | Analog/Digital/Mixed Signal IC Design, VLSI Technology and Fabrication, System-on-a-chip (SoCs), Microelectronics and VLSI, Low-power VLSI, Embedded systems, Electronic systems, Data communication, digital and analog communication, satellite, cellular, and fiber-optic communication, signal/media processing, digital image processing, audio and speech processing, computer networks, information theory, computing, biomedical, Artificial intelligence, Internet-of-Things (IoT), 5G communication and beyond, RF, Microwave, and sub-THz Design. |
Liberal Arts | Psychology |
Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering | Computational materials science, Polymers, Nano-composites, Organic devices and Sensors, Organic and Hybrid materials, Optical and Nonlinear Optical materials, Photoactuators, Electrode materials and Battery Degradation Mechanism, Inorganic-organic hybrid materials, Nanostructured Smart Materials, Energy Materials and Devices, thermal spray coating, machining and grinding of superalloys, sheet metal forming, additive manufacturing. |
Mathematics | Functional Analysis, Operator Theory, Probability Theory, Statistics, Commutative Algebra, Number Theory, Topology and Combinatorics, Operation Research, Numerical Analysis, Complex Analysis, Analysis of Partial Differential Equations. |
Mechanical Engineering | (a) Solid Mechanics and Design: Computational mechanics, Experimental Mechanics, Damage and Fracture Mechanics, Vibration, Dynamics, Structural health monitoring etc., (b) Fluid and Thermal Sciences: Microfluidics, bio-medical/healthcare devices, Multiphase flow, Heat transfer, Transport in Porous media, Droplet and Interfacial Science, Thermal hydraulics of nuclear reactor, Internal combustion (IC) Engines Alternative fuels, emissions and exhaust aftertreatment, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Boiling and Condensation, Thermal Comfort, Building Energy Efficiency, Renewable energy etc. (c)Manufacturing technology: Development and Processing of Advanced Materials – Light weight alloys, advanced superalloys, composites; Microstructure-manufacturability correlation; Surface Engineering/coating, Thin & Thick-film tribology, Advanced PVD coating for cutting tools, Bioinspired microtextured surfaces, Non-conventional machining, Micromachining, metal cutting and forming, Incremental forming, simulation of manufacturing processes, Wire-arc/additive manufacturing, Laser-based manufacturing, Casting, Welding, Friction stir welding/processing, Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing (AIMM) etc. |
Mechatronics Engineering | Online condition monitoring in advanced manufacturing processes, Microfabrication, Building mechatronics, and Intelligent buildings, AI-assisted laser-based manufacturing/metal forming, Feedback controlled material testing, Application of machine vision in mechanical testing, Portable devices for manufacturing, Pneumatic actuator systems control using thermally responsive fluids, Digital microfluidics, Maglev micro robotics, Neuromechanics and Assistive Robotics, Consensus control of UAV, Cognitive automation and Machine/Artificial Intelligence, Cooperative and adaptive mechatronics system, Computer vision, Data-driven modeling and control. |
Physics | High Energy Physics: Neutrino Oscillation, CP violation and T violation studies, Decay and Decoherence effects, Quantum Entanglement in Neutrino Oscillation, LGI Violation in Neutrino system. Astro-particle Physics, Dark Matter, Direct-Indirect and Collider studies of Dark Matter, Gravitational Waves in the domain of Particle Physics. Quantum information science: Quantum Computing and Quantum Technology. Time-Resolved Optical spectroscopy: Raman spectroscopy of hybrid 2D materials and density functional theory calculations, Opto-electronic transport. Soft Matter: Active colloids, Self-assembly and self-organization in soft matter systems, Micro- and Nanorobots/Nano motors, Nanomaterials, biomaterials and bio applications, Advanced nanosystems for Biosensing. High Energy Physics, Thermal Field Theory, Heavy Ion phenomenology, Quark-Gluon Plasma. Astrophysics and cosmology, supermassive black-holes, galaxies, dark matter. Applied Optics: Applications of Light Shaping and Sensing, Interferometry, Structured laser beams, Information Optics, Optical Imaging, Phase Retrieval, Vision Optics. Electrochemistry for multi-functional device applications; In-situ Spectroscopic (UV-Vis, Raman, and FTIR) methods to study and understand device’s mechanism. Strain engineering of semiconductor nanomembranes; Semiconductor physics and devices; Organic and printed electronics. |
Schedule of Admission for IIT Bhilai PhD Admission 2024-25 Monsoon Semester
Particulars | Date |
Start date of application (online only) | March 18, 2024 (10:00 Hrs IST) |
Last date for submitting an online application form and completing the payment | April 30, 2024 (17:00 Hrs IST) |
Entrance Tests and Interviews. | May 2024 |
IIT Bhilai PhD Admission 2024-25 Monsoon Semester Application Process
- Applicants must read the instructions given in the brochure carefully before filling up the application form.
- Applicants must fill out the online application form available at IIT Bhilai Website. There is NO need to send a hardcopy of the application forms.
- Separate application form is to be filled if applicants are applying in more than one discipline.
- Reservations are applicable for applicants in other Backward Class-Non-Creamy layer (OBC-NCL)/ Scheduled Caste (SC)/ Scheduled Tribe (ST)/ Person with benchmark disability (PwD) / Economically weak section (EWS) category, as per Government of India rules. Necessary supporting documents must be attached to avail such reservation during online application and the same will be verified at the time of admission.
- Applicants should complete the application form in all respects. Incomplete application will not be considered.
- Applicants MUST keep the following documents (softcopy) ready to upload during their application process:
- Photograph.
- Academic certificates (10th/12th, UG & PG certificates, etc. whichever is applicable)
- Mark-sheet of all semesters/Consolidated mark-sheet of the qualifying degree. Result awaited applicants have to upload their latest/previous semester mark-sheet.
- Caste certificate (OBC-NCL/SC/ST), if applicable.
- Experience certificate and any other relevant documents., whichever applicable.
- Applicants must also provide the details of at least two well acquainted people who can provide reference letters in support of candidature of applicant. At least one of them must be an academician and must have taught the applicant.
- Applicants having degree from foreign universities should upload equivalence certificate from Association of Indian Universities (AIU), New Delhi for qualifying Exam and proof of having first class or 60% (55% for SC/ST) marks or equivalent in qualifying examination.
- Applicants are advised to check the Institute website for results / important announcements. Applicants are also advised to check emails sent to the email address provided in their applications for all important communications and announcements. All communications related to admission will be communicated only through email.
- Applicants called for written test/interview should bring with them
- Photo ID Card,
- Printed copy of the application submitted online,
- Thesis / dissertation / report / publications,
- All Original certificates and mark-sheets.
Application Steps
STEP-I: Apply Online
Candidate must apply online from IIT Bhilai website. A fresh registration is required for each Program, for which, an applicant would like to apply. Applicant must fill all required information and upload documents, if any, sought in application.
STEP-II: Make Payment
Finalization of application is mandatory. If not finalized, the application will not be considered. Editing/modification/addition is not possible after finalization of the application form. Hence, candidate should verify details before finalizing the application form. Once is application is finalised; application number will be generated. Candidates should note the application number for future reference.
STEP-III: Make Payment
- Application fee of 100 INR is applicable for SC/ST/PwD/female candidates and 200 INR is applicable for other candidates.
- Payment of application fee must be made through State Bank Collect only. Candidate shall visit SBI Collect, for fees payment (SBI collect link is provided in the portal).
STEP-IV: Add Payment Details
This step should be done after the generation of SBI Collect DU reference number. Applicant has to add the DU reference number to his/ her application.
Note: Candidates who are applying for more than one PhD program need to apply and pay application fee for each program separately.
Application Fee
Category | Fee |
SC/ST/PwD/female candidates | Rs. 100/- |
other candidates | Rs. 200/- |
Important Links
Notification | Click Here |
Application Form | Click Here |
IIT Bhilai Website | Click Here |
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Previous Admissions
IIT Bhilai PhD Admission 2023-24 Winter Semester
Schedule of Admission for IIT Bhilai PhD Admission 2023-24 Winter Semester
Particulars | Date |
Start date of application (online only) | 20 October 2023 (10:00 Hrs IST) |
Last date for submitting an online application form and completing the payment | 15 November 2023 (17:00 Hrs IST) |
Entrance Tests and Interviews. | 27 November 2023 to 02 December 2023 |
IIT Bhilai PhD Admission 2022-23 Monsoon Semester
Important Dates
Event | Dates |
Start of Online Application | 03 April 2023 (10:00 Hrs IST) |
Last date for submitting online application | 15 May 2023 (17:00 Hrs IST) |
IIT Bhilai PhD Admission 2023-24 Monsoon Semester Results
IIT Bhilai PhD Admission 2022-23 Winter Semester
Schedule of Admission for IIT Bhilai PhD Admission 2022-23 Winter Semester
Application Schedule
Event | Dates |
Start of Online Application | October 05, 2022 (10:00 Hrs IST) |
Last date for submitting online application | October 31, 2022 (17:00 Hrs IST) |
Entrance Tests and Interviews Dates
Chemistry | November 26, 2022 |
Computer Science and Engineering | November 26, 2022 |
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence | November 30, 2022 |
Electrical Engineering | November 26, 2022 |
Electric Vehicle Technology | December 01, 2022 |
Liberal Arts | December 03, 2022 |
Mathematics | November 26, 2022 |
Mechanical Engineering | December 03, 2022 |
Mechatronics | December 02, 2022 |
Physics | December 03, 2022 |
IIT Bhilai PhD Admission 2022-23 Winter Semester Results
Shortlisted Candidates
Call letters with detail information of selection process will be sent through email.
IIT Bhilai PhD Admission 2022
Schedule of Admission for IIT Bhilai PhD Admission 2022
Application Schedule
Event | Dates |
Start of Online Application | April 05, 2022 (10:00 Hrs IST) |
Last date for submitting online application | May 20, 2022 (17:00 Hrs IST) |
These dates are tentative. Any changes in the dates will be indicated on the official website of IIT Bhilai.
Entrance Tests and Interviews Dates
Chemistry | June 20, 2022 |
Computer Science and Engineering | June 20, 2022 |
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence | June 21, 2022 |
Electrical Engineering | June 22, 2022 |
Electric Vehicle Technology | June 23, 2022 |
Liberal Arts | June 23, 2022 |
Mathematics | June 24, 2022 |
Mechanical Engineering | June 21, 2022 |
Mechatronics | June 24, 2022 |
Physics | June 22, 2022 |
IIT Bhilai PhD Admission 2022 Results
Shortlisted Candidates
Call letters with detailed information on further selection process have already been sent through email. Applicants who were in the shortlisted list but not received call letter shall contact through email ‘admissions@iitbhilai.ac.in
IIT Bhilai PhD Admission 2021
Schedule of Admission for IIT Bhilai PhD Admission 2021
Application Schedule
Event | Dates |
Start of Online Application | April 05, 2021 (10:00 Hrs IST) |
Last date for submitting online application | May 05, 2021 (17:00 Hrs IST) |
These dates are tentative. Any changes in the dates will be indicated on the official website of IIT Bhilai.
Entrance Tests and Interviews Dates
Computer Science and Engineering | June 14, 2021 |
Chemistry | June 15, 2021 |
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence | June 16, 2021 |
Electrical Engineering | June 15, 2021 |
Liberal Arts | June 15, 2021 |
Mathematics | June 14, 2021 |
Mechanical Engineering | June 16, 2021 |
Physics | June 16, 2021 |
IIT Bhilai PhD Admission 2020
Schedule of Admission for IIT Bhilai PhD Admission 2020
Event | Dates |
Start of Online Application | March 16, 2020 (10:00 Hrs. IST) |
Last date for submitting online application | April 15, 2020 (17:00 Hrs. IST) |
Entrance tests and interviews
Physics | June 01, 2020 |
Computer Science and Engineering | June 01, 2020 |
Electrical Engineering | June 02, 2020 |
Mechanical Engineering | June 02, 2020 |