BHU Varanasi PhD Admission 2023 – Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi offers admission in PhD Programmes in various disciplines.
Check complete information on BHU Varanasi PhD Admission 2023 below here.
Ph.D. Programs for which Admission will be made through the following mode
- a) BHU-RET-Exempted
- b) Research Entrance Test (BHU RET / NTA’S Ph.D. ENTRANCE TEST)
Application to PhD programs based on Ph.D. Entrance Test for DU, JNU, BHU and BBAU – 2023 conducted by NTA is opened by NTA.
The application Form for BHU RET and for exempted PhD category is available on the BHU website.
Revised Prospectus Released.
Latest –
- The Research Entrance Test 2023 will be held in the Banaras Hindu University Campus on 18.02.2024.
- Download BHU Ret Exempted Admit Card
- Portal will be open, for any correction in filled application form of Ph.D. admission 2023, on dated 30.12.2023. It will be closed on midnight (12 PM night) of same day.
Check Our New Website for PhD Notifications
BHU Varanasi PhD Programs
BHU Varanasi Faculty offering PhD Program
In BHU Varanasi Faculty offering PhD Program –
- Faculties of Science
- Faculties of Arts
- Faculties of Social Sciences
- Faculty of Performing Arts
- Sanskrit Vidya Dharm Vigyan Sankay
- Faculty of Commerce
- Faculty of Management Studies
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Dental Sciences
- Faculty of Visual Arts
- Faculty of Environment & Sustainable Development
Seat Matrix
(Tentative seats, for revised seats refer prospectus)
Main Discipline | Course Code | Number of Seats* | Mode of Admission# |
Agricultural Economics | 740 | 14 | BHU – RET |
Agronomy | 741 | 10 | BHU – RET |
Water Management (Agronomy) | 742 | 2 | BHU – RET |
Agricultural Statistics | 746 | 6 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Dairy Technology | 743 | 21 | BHU – RET |
Plant Pathology | 749 | 32 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry | 751 | 17 | BHU – RET |
Genetics and Plant Breeding | 747 | 18 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Food Technology | 934 | 8 | BHU – RET |
Entomology | 744 | 6 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Agriculture Extension & Communication | 745 | 8 | BHU – RET |
Agricultural Engineering (Soil & Water Conservation) | 933 | 6 | BHU – RET |
Horticulture (Fruit Science-1, Vegetable Science-2, Landscaping – 3) | 748 | 6 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Plant Physiology | 750 | 8 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Veterinary Surgery & Radiology | 962 | 6 | BHU – RET |
Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology | 963 | 3 | BHU – RET |
Veterinary Anatomy | 964 | 3 | BHU – RET |
Veterinary Physiology | 965 | 4 | BHU – RET |
Veterinary Biochemistry | 976 | 4 | BHU – RET |
Veterinary Parasitology | 966 | 6 (3 PT + 3 FT) | BHU – RET |
Animal Genetics and Breeding | 968 | 6 | BHU – RET |
Livestock Products | 970 | 3 | BHU – RET |
Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics | 971 | 5 | BHU – RET |
Animal Nutrition | 967 | 5 | BHU – RET |
Livestock Production Management | 969 | 4 | BHU – RET |
Veterinary Extension | 975 | 2 | BHU – RET |
Veterinary Medicine | 974 | 2 | BHU – RET |
Veterinary Microbiology | 961 | 1 | BHU – RET |
Veterinary Pathology | 972 | 3 | BHU – RET |
Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology | 973 | 1 | BHU – RET |
Bengali | 839 | 4 | BHU – RET |
English | 833 | 26 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
French | 834 | 6 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
History of Art | 849 | 5 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Tourism Management | 901 | 4 | BHU – RET |
Nepali | 836 | 1 | BHU – RET |
Tamil | 841 | 2 | BHU – RET |
Russian | 838 | 1 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Chinese | 832 | 1 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Persian | 837 | 16 | BHU- RET |
Physical Education | 857 | 19 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Museology | 853 | 4 | BHU – RET |
Geography (including MMV6) | 902 | 27 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Home Science | 903 | 7 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Mathematics | 904 | 12 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Statistics | 905 | 23 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Marathi | 842 | 3 | BHU – RET |
Telugu | 843 | 8 | BHU – RET |
German | 835 | 5 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Bhojpuri evam Janpadiy Aadhyan | 907 | 7 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Pali & Buddhist | 845 | 1 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Sanskrit | 846 | 7 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Urdu | 844 | 6 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
A.I.H.C. & Archaeology | 848 | 13 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Journalism & Mass Communication | 858 | 4 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
I.P.R. | 850 | 1 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Philosophy | 851 | 2 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Hindi | 840 | 40 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Prayojan Moolak Hindi (journalism) | 906 | 2 | BHU – RET |
Painting | 760 | 3 | BHU – RET |
Applied Arts | 761 | 4 | BHU – RET |
Textile Design | 764 | 1 | BHU – RET |
Education | 790 | 49 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Human Rights & Duties Education | 981 | 7 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Law | 875 | 17 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Management Studies | 992 | 38 (32 FT + 6 PT) | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Economics | 859 | 5 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Psychology (Dept.-13; MMV-4, VKM-1, VCW-2) | 953 | 20 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
History | 860 | 6 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Subaltern Studies | 869 | 2 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Women Studies | 955 | 1 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Political Science | 861 | 2 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Sociology | 862 | 4 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Commerce | 870 | 57 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Instrumental (Sitar) | 767 | 4 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Instrumental (Tabla) | 770 | 1 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Instrumental (Flute) | 769 | 2 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Vocal | 766 | 7 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Dance (Kathak) | 771 | 1 | BHU – RET |
Dance (Bharat Natyam) | 772 | 1 | BHU – RET |
Shukla Yajurveda | 681 | 13 (10+1+1+1) | BHU – RET |
Yajurveda | 682 | BHU – RET | |
Samveda | 683 | BHU – RET | |
Rigveda | 684 | BHU – RET | |
Vyakarana | 685 | 7 | BHU – RET |
Sahitya | 686 | 2 | BHU – RET |
Dharm Vijnana | 699 | 1 | BHU – RET |
Agam Tantra | 689 | 2 | BHU – RET |
Dharmashastra | 690 | 2 | BHU – RET |
Mimansa | 697 | 1 | BHU – RET |
Jain Darshan | 691 | 1 | BHU – RET |
Baudha Darshan | 698 | 3 | BHU – RET |
Vedanta | 692 | 2 | BHU – RET |
Puranetihasa | 693 | 1 | BHU – RET |
Nyaya Vaisheshika | 696 | 1 | BHU – RET |
Jyotish Ganit | 687 | 10 (5+5) | BHU – RET |
Jyotish Falit | 688 | BHU – RET | |
Physics | 881 | 40 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Chemistry | 882 | 145 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Geology | 883 | 34 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Zoology (including MMV) | 884 | 22 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Botany | 885 | 15 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Computer Science | 886 | 6 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Mathematical Sciences | 988 | 1 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Biochemistry | 887 | 8 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Geophysics | 891 | 8 | BHU RET/NET |
Bioinformatics | 893 | 1 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Home Science | 894 | 7 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Mathematics | 895 | 12 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Statistics | 896 | 23 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Psychology (MMV-4, VKM1, VCW-2) | 897 | 20 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Geography (including MMV6) | 898 | 27 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Biotechnology | 945 | 8 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Molecular and Human Genetics | 944 | 5 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Environmental Science (under Botany Deptt.) | 983 | 3 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Applied Microbiology | 985 | 3 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Biotechnology, Botany, Environmental Science, Medicine Human and Clinical Genetics (at Centre for Genetic Disorders) | 987 | 5 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Siddhanta Darshan | 601 | 1 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Samhita & Sanskrit | 602 | 8 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Prasuti Tantra | 603 | 6 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Dravyaguna | 604 | 10 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Rasa Shastra & Bhaishjya Kalpane | 605 | 3 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Agad Tantra | 617 | 3 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Medicinal Chemistry | 606 | 4 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Shalya Tantra | 607 | 25 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Shalakya Tantra | 608 | 3 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Kayachikitsa | 609 | 9 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Kriya Sharir | 610 | 9 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Panchakarma | 618 | 6 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Swasthavritta & Yoga | 612 | 3 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Kaumarbhritya/ Balroga | 613 | 3 | BHU-RET |
Vikrit Vigyan | 614 | 6 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Rachana Sharir | 615 | 8 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Anatomy | 631 | 3 | BHURET/NET |
Biochemistry | 633 | 3 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Community Medicine | 658 | 2 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Forensic Medicine | 639 | 4 | BHURET/NET |
Gastroenterology | 640 | 14 | BHURET/NET |
General Surgery | 641 | 16 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Geriatric Medicine | 670 | 4 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Centre of Experimental Medicine & Surgery | 669 | 4 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Neurology | 646 | 2 | BHU – RET |
Nephrology | 645 | 7 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Surgical Oncology | 662 | 10 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Paediatrics | 653 | 10 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Paediatrics Surgery | 654 | 3 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Radio Diagnosis & Imaging | 660 | 10 | BHU – RET/NET |
Radiotherapy & Radiation Medicine | 661 | 28 | BHU – RET/NET |
General Medicine | 642 | 7 | BHU – RET/NET |
Pharmacology | 655 | 20 | BHU – RET/NET |
Urology | 664 | 8 | BHU – RET/NET |
Plastic Surgery | 657 | 8 | BHU – RET/NET |
Environment Sciences | 984 | 6 | NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test |
Dental Sciences | 671 | 16 | BHU – RET |
# Applicants appearing in NTA’s PhD Entrance Test should see the test codes of NTA and choose the right code for filling up their forms. The codes are given in Appendix-1 attached to this Information bulletin.
- 1) 50% of the Seats Declared shall be filled through BHU-RET – Exempted mode and remaining 50% through NTA’s PhD Entrance Test and BHU-RET mode as the case may be.
- 2) In case a particular discipline has one (1) seat only, then it will be allocated to NTA’s PhD Entrance Test mode. However, if that the particular discipline is not in the list of NTA’s Entrance Test then it will be filled through BHU-RET Exempted mode.
- 3) If the number of seats declared is more than one and in odd number(s) then after distributing the seats in equal proportion (50:50), the remaining one (1) seat will be filled through NTA’s PhD Entrance Test or BHU-RET mode as the case may be.
Important Dates for BHU Varanasi PhD Admission 2023
Events | Dates |
Start of application | 12 Dec 2023 |
Last date for application | 27 Dec 2023 |
Correction in form | 30 Dec 2023 |
Interview/Test | to be announced |
For Ph.D. Entrance Test for DU, JNU, BHU and BBAU – 2023
Availability of ONLINE Form | 09 Aug 2023 |
Last date for online submission of application forms (Extended) | 22 Sept 2023 (9 PM) |
Last date of successful transaction of Examination fee | 22 Sept 2023 (11:50 PM) |
Correction in particulars | 23 September to 24 September 2023 (Up to 11:50 P.M.) |
Date of PhD Entrance Test | 26, 27, 30 and 31 October 2023 |
Declaration of Result | Declared |
BHU Varanasi PhD Admission 2023 Eligibility Criteria
- A candidate must have passed the qualifying examination securing the minimum percentage of marks on the last date of filling of online application of NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test /BHU – RET/ BHU-RET-Exempted 2023.
- Master’s degree in the concerned subject OR in any one of the allied subjects with at least 55% or equivalent grade in the aggregate.
- There shall be a relaxation for SC/ST and PwD candidates in the minimum marks required in the qualifying examination as per rules..
For subject wise criteria read Information Bulletin.
BHU Varanasi PhD Admission 2023 Application Form
For BHU Application 2023
Candidate has to fill the online application form on the https://www.bhuonline.in/.
Read information brochure carefully before filling application form.
For Ph.D. Entrance Test for DU, JNU, BHU and BBAU – 2023
Candidate has to fill the online application form on the portal https://phd-entrance.samarth.ac.in/
Read information brochure carefully before filling application form.
Application Fee
Category | Application Fee for One Test Paper |
General | Rs. 1200/- |
OBC-NCL/Gen-EWS | Rs. 1100/- |
SC/ST/Third Gender/PwBD | Rs. 1000/- |
Further, for applying for additional Test Papers a fee of Rs. 800/- (General applicants) or Rs. 700/- (OBC-NCL/GenEWS/ SC/ST/Third Gender/PwBD Applicants) per paper is to be paid.
BHU Varanasi PhD Admission 2023 Selection Process
Ph.D. Programs for which Admission will be made through the following mode
a) BHU-RET-Exempted: The BHU-RET Exempted Admission eligible Mode will be under UGC/CSIR/ICMR/ICAR/DBT and other Government Testing Agencies/ other National Level Tests.
b) Research Entrance Test : (i) BHU RET: BHU’s will conduct Research Entrance Test in those disciplines which are not mapped with NTA Ph.D. Entrance Test; and (ii) NTA’S Ph.D. ENTRANCE TEST: Under this mode the student will appear in those disciplines for which Research Entrance Test mentioned in prospectus.
Research Entrance Test shall be held tentatively in the month of October. The Exact Date of the Tests, Test Centres, Procedure, Provision for Scribe in case of PwBD candidates etc. shall be Notified Later and details will be put on the website.
Merit List
The final selection of the Candidate will be made based on his score in three components namely
- a. NET/NTA’s PhD Entrance Test /BHU-RET Score
- b. Academic Performance Index,
- c. Marks Obtained in Interview
Components | Weightage |
NET / NTA’s PhD Entrance Test Score / BHURET Score | 50% |
Academic Performance Index | 25% |
Interview | 25% |
NTA Common PhD Entrance Test 2023 Details
Mode of Examination | CBT (Computer Based Test) |
Duration | 3 Hours |
Type of Questions | Multiple Choice Question |
Paper Sections | Section 1- Research Methodology and Section 2- Subject specific. |
Syllabus | UGC NET/ CSIR NET Syllabus |
Number of Questions | 100 |
Marks per question | 4 (four) for each correct response |
Scoring | No Negative Marking |
Medium of Paper | Subjects in the Common Section, Commerce/Finance, Art and Culture and Humanities would be Bilingual i.e., in English and Hindi both. Science Subjects would be in English only. Languages tests would be in their respective Languages except Linguistics, Modern Indian Language and Literary Studies. These two subjects would be in English. |
Important Links
Revised Prospectus | Click Here |
RET 2023 Admission | RET-2023 Admission |
RET Exempted 2023 Admission | RET-Exempted-2023 Admission |
Application Portal Entrance NTA | Click Here |
BHU Website | Click Here |
Join Our Telegram Channel
Previous Admissions
BHU Varanasi PhD Admission 2023 (Jan)
PhD Programs 2023 (Jan)
Only those candidates shall be eligible to apply in this application process who have obtained their qualifying degree of the Academic session 2022-23 or before and who is a recipient of National Doctoral Fellowship or other fellowships from government/semi-government organizations (through All-India selection procedure conducted by the agency/ organization for award of research fellowships) such as Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), University Grants Commission (UGC), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Ayurveda Yoga Unani Siddha Homeopathy (AYUSH) and similar National Level Organizations prior to 1st January 2023.
Important Dates for BHU Varanasi PhD Admission Jan 2023
Availability of ONLINE Form (RET exempted) | 23 November 2022 |
Last date for online submission of application forms | 08 December 2022 |
Date of Test B/Counselling/ Admissions | 19 December 2022 |
Last Date of deposition of fees for admission | 28 December 2022 |
BHU RET 2022
Important Dates for BHU RET 2022
Availability of RET/M.Phil./ /Integrated M.Phil.-2021 ONLINE Form on the Entrance Test Portal for submission | 10 May 2022 |
Last date for online submission of application forms of RET/M.Phil./Integrated M.Phil. | 31 May 2022 |
Downloading Admit Card | One week before the date of examination |
Date of Entrance Test of RET/M.Phil./Integrated M.Phil.-2022 | 25 June 2022 |
Declaration of RET Result | Declared |
BHU RET 2022 Exam Pattern for PhD
RET will have two components
- Test A: Test A will be based on Subject Knowledge, Logical and Analytical Capability and Research Methodology.
- Test B: Test B will cover Personal Interview to test aptitude for research.
Test A
TEST – A is aimed as to assess the subject knowledge of the candidate at the Master’s level in the concerned subject and related area. It will also contain the questions on research methodology.
Tests A will be held in one sitting in the Test Centres of RET.
Syllabus –
40% questions related to methodology will cover the following aspects : Foundation of Research, Problem identification and formulation, Research design, Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Measurement, Sampling, Data Analysis, Interpretation of Data, Use of Encyclopedias and tools, Paper Writing etc.
Other 60% questions would be of Master’s level of the subject and areas concerned.
Type of Questions | MCQ type questions |
Number of Questions | 100 |
The Duration of the exam | 120 minutes |
Maximum Marks | 300 marks. |
Marking Scheme | 03 (three) marks for correct answer and 01 (one) mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer. |
Test – B
Test – B will cover Research proposal and Personal Interview.
Candidate, approximately four times of the seats, based on merit, may be called for Test B.
All eligible RET-exempt category candidates shall also take TEST-B of the selection process.
- The Test – B will be conducted in the concerned department/school/centre by a Board to be appointed for the purpose and will carry a total of 30 (thirty) marks for personal interview. The marks to be awarded to the candidates in the Personal Interview may not be below 9 and above 24. In case a candidate is awarded marks below 9 and above 24, detailed justifications may be noted by the interview committee in its proceedings against each such candidate
- The Interview Board will ask questions relating to the area in which the candidate expects to undertake research, if selected, to test his/her competence for research in the discipline.
- A candidate applying in more than one discipline, will appear at Test B separately in each of the disciplines for which he/she has applied and shortlisted.
The minimum qualifying marks for RET is 215 marks and RET – Exempted Category is 65 marks for admission in Ph.D.
BHU RET 2022 Admit Card
Candidates can download the ADMIT CARD from the BHU Entrance Test Portal (www.bhuonline.in) around One week before
the date of examination by using the unique registration ID allotted to them at the time of online submission of application form.
- Schedule of Test and Venue details will be given on the Admit Card.
- No candidate shall be allowed to appear in Test without a valid Admit Card.
- Keep Admit Card in safe custody after the Test for presenting it in counselling.
BHU RET 2022 Answer Key
** The process of challenging questions/provisional answer keys of RET 2022 held on 25.06.2022 is started and shall be available up to 12.00 noon of 01.07.2022.
BHU RET 2022 Result
BHU has released the result RET 2022.
BHU RET 2021
Important Dates for BHU RET 2021
Availability of RET/M.Phil./ /Integrated M.Phil.-2021 ONLINE Form on the Entrance Test Portal for submission | 20 Jan 2022 |
Last date for online submission of application forms of RET/M.Phil./Integrated M.Phil.- 2021 | 15 Feb 2022 |
Extended Last date for I. RET ( Exempted) 2021 II. Integrated M.Phil-Ph.d. Programme in ESD (Exempted) 2021 III. RET (Exempted) (Agri. & Vet.) 2021 | 28 Feb 2022 |
Downloading Admit Card | 09 March 2022 |
Date of Entrance Test of RET/M.Phil./Integrated M.Phil.-2021 | 16 March 2022 |
Answer key | 16 March 2022 |
Challenging of Answer Key upto | 19 April 2022 |
Declaration of RET Result | declared |
BHU RET 2021 Qualifying Marks
The minimum qualifying marks for the Research Entrance Test has been fixed as 35% for all categories category.
BHU RET 2021 Answer Key
PROVISIONAL ANSWER KEY RET 2021 is available now.
The process of challenging questions/provisional answer key of RET 2021 held on 16.03.2022 has started and shall be available up to 8.00 p.m. of 19.04.2022.
BHU RET 2021 Result
BHU RET 2020-2021
Important Dates for BHU RET 2020-2021
Availability of RET Form | 01 Feb 2021 |
Last date for application forms | 22 Feb 2021 |
Downloading Admit Card | 05 April 2021 |
RET Test Date | 11 April 2021 |
Declaration of RET Result | After Second week of April 2021 |
BHU RET 2020-2021 Admit Card
Candidates can download the ADMIT CARD from the BHU Entrance Test Portal (www.bhuonline.in) around 12.03.2021 to 19.03.2021 providing the unique registration ID allotted to them at the time of online submission of application form.
SMS alert on the mobile phone registered by the candidate regarding loading of Admit Card will also be sent.
- The Tests shall be held on the 19th March. Schedule of Test and Venue details will be given on the Admit Card.
- No candidate shall be allowed to appear in Test without a valid Admit Card.
- Keep Admit Card in safe custody after the Test for presenting it in counselling.
BHU RET 2020-2021 Qualifying Marks
The minimum qualifying marks for the Research Entrance Test has been fixed as 35% for all categories category.
BHU RET 2020-2021 Result
BHU will releases the result for RET after second week of April.